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21,465 bytes added, 20:29, 3 November 2019
:# Create functions to process programmer-defined type objects.
:# Bind functions into methods for programmer-defined type objects.
:# Set the appropriate scope when creating new object: local and global
: Object-oriented programming is conceptually one level higher than simply structured programming style as you've experienced in Bash or C. In this lab, we're going to study some features of classes and programmer-defined objects by looking at a few object-oriented programming examples using the Python language.
: First of all, let's review some of the basic concepts about class in Python.
:: A class is a type, a description of a thing, the definition of what it should look like (data attributes) and what we can do about it (function attributes).
:: An object is an instance of a class, an individual entity described by a class, a specific stuff with properties (aka attributes) defined by a class.
:: Type exact definition of the type and what you would expect to store in objects of that type is up to you - the programmer. You would want to design your classes so that you can manage data in your program/script/application as easily as possible.
:: A few points about the mechanics of implementing classes:
:::* A class name typically starts with a capital letter, and object names should start with a lowercase letter.
:::* Just as you can define a function in a separate python file from where you use it - you can do the same when defining a class. In fact, it's even more common with classes since your're more likely to need to use them in multiple places.
:::* The names of the class files are by convention all in lowercase and short - but that's just because most programmers are lazy typists. Feel free use longer file name so you can tell what they are without opening them.
: As you try to design the classes, you will quickly realise that there is a potentially infinite number of properties (attributes and methods) that any class can have. What you choose to include in your class definition should be guided by what you intend to do with it.
sum.minute = t1.minute + t2.minute
sum.second = t1.second + t2.second
return sum
:5. If you encounter any syntax error or exception, please fix the error before moving on to the next step.
:6. Now try to set seconds to a '''negative''' value, e.g. -1800, and then call the '''change_time()''' function.Will it change the '''time1 ''' object back to '09:50:00'? Let's try it out:<source lang="bash">
>>> format_time(time1)
:7. The result is not correct! So we have to modify and update the change_time() function so that it can handle positive and negative value correctly. The following steps are necessary:::(a) We must first add code to check on the '''second''' attribute of the time object to make sure that it is not less than zero. If it is, we must borrow one from the '''minute''' attribute and add 60 to the '''second''' attribute. We have to repeat this checking until the '''second''' attribute is no long less than zero.<source lang="python"> while time.second < 0: time.minute -= 1 time.second += 60</source>::(b) We then have to add code to check on the '''minute''' attribute. If it is less than zero, we must borrow 1 from the 'hour' attribute and add 60 to the '''minute''' attribute. We have to repeat this checking until the '''minute''' attribute is no long less than zero.<source lang="python"> while time.minute < 0: time.hour -= 1 time.minute += 60</source>:8. After updating the change_time() functionwith the above additional code, save the file and test it again in a Python interactive shell by importing the new version of the function.<source lang='bash'>
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
Python 3.4.9 (default, Aug 14 2018, 21:28:57)
:79. Make sure that you your '''change_time() ''' function works correctly for both positive and negative values of 'seconds'.:810. Download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab7/
pwd #confirm that you are in the right directory
python3 ./ -f -v lab7b
:911. Before proceeding, make certain that you identify all errors in When the checking script tells you everything is OK - proceed to the next step.
:4. You should get the same result as shown above. If not, please troubleshoot and fix any errors.
:5. Edit your again. Modify the other two functions: sum_times() and change_time() to use the two new functions to perform the computation operation.
:6. Create a new Python script named '''''' with and place the following contentin it:<source lang="python">#!/usr/bin/env python3# Student ID: [seneca_id]from lab7c import *t1 = Time(8,0,0)t2 = Time(8,55,0)t3 = Time(9,50,0) td = Time(0,50,0) tsum1 = sum_times(t1,td)tsum2 = sum_times(t2,td)t3None = change_time(t3,1800)  ft = format_timeprint(ft(t1),'+',ft(td),'-->',ft(tsum1))print(ft(t2),'+',ft(td),'-->',ft(tsum2))print('09:50:00 + 1800 sec','-->',ft(t3))</source>:7. Test run your script '''''', it should produce the following output:<source lang="bash">[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3 lab7c1.py08:00:00 + 00:50:00 --> 08:50:0008:55:00 + 00:50:00 --> 09:45:0009:50:00 + 1800 sec --> 10:20:00</source>:8. Download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">cd ~/ops435/lab7/pwd #confirm that you are in the right directoryls || wget ./ -f -v lab7c</source>:9. Before proceeding, make certain that you identify all errors in When the checking script tells you everything is OK - proceed to the next step.<br><br> =Investigation II - Objects and Methods=: In the previous investigation, the functions that were defined for manipulating our time object are not tied directly to our time object. Given our time object alone, we won't be able to tell that there exist a function called sum_times() which can be used to add two time objects and return their sum.:<br>: To tie up those functions to our time objects, we only need to move those functions definition under the class block which defines our Time object. When we move an external function into a class block, we need to add an extra function parameter and make it the first in the parameter list. By convention, we always name it as '''self'''. == Part 1 - Classes and Methods for our Time objects ==: The following illustration shows how we can change external functions to become object methods (aka class functions) for our Time object. It is simply by moving the function definitions to be under the class definition for the Time object and add 'self' as the first parameter for each function: <source lang="python">#!/usr/bin/env python3# Student ID: [seneca_id]class Time: """Simple object type for time of the day. data attributes: hour, minute, second function attributes: __init__, __str__, __repr__ time_to_sec, format_time, change_time, sum_time """ def __init__(self,hour=12,minute=0,second=0): """constructor for time object""" self.hour = hour self.minute = minute self.second = second def format_time(self): """Return time object (t) as a formatted string""" return '%.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
def sum_times(self, t2):
"""Add two time objests and return the sum."""
sum = Time(0,0,0)
self_sec = self.time_to_sec()
t2_sec = t2.time_to_sec()
sum = sec_to_time(sec1 + sec2)
return sum
def change_time(self, seconds):
time_seconds = self.time_to_sec()
nt = sec_to_time(time_seconds + seconds)
time.hour, time.minute, time.second = nt.hour, nt.minute, nt.second
return None
def time_to_sec(self):
'''convert a time object to a single integer representing the
number of seconds from mid-night'''
minutes = self.hour * 60 + self.minute
seconds = minutes * 60 + self.second
return seconds
def valid_time(self):
"""check for the validity of the time object attributes:
24 > hour > 0, 60 > minute > 0, 60 > second > 0 """
if self.hour < 0 or self.minute < 0 or self.second < 0:
return False
if self.minute >= 60 or self.second >= 60 or self.hour >= 24:
return False
return True
def sec_to_time(seconds):
'''convert a given number of seconds to a time object in
hour, minute, second format'''
time = Time()
minutes, time.second = divmod(seconds, 60)
time.hour, time.minute = divmod(minutes, 60)
return time
: Please notice that the function named sec_to_time() did not get moved under the class block. It remains as an external function.
:1. Create a new python file and name it as '''''' and place the code listed above in it.
:2. Save the file, and test the new time object in an interactive Python shell: <source lang="bash">
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
Python 3.4.9 (default, Aug 14 2018, 21:28:57)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from lab7d import *
>>> t1 = Time(9,50,0)
>>> t1
<lab7d.Time object at 0x7f1232a79be0>
>>> print(t1)
<lab7d.Time object at 0x7f1232a79be0>
>>> format_time(t1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'format_time' is not defined
>>> Time.format_time(t1)
>>> type(Time.format_time)
<class 'function'>
>>> t1.format_time()
>>> type(t1.format_time)
<class 'method'>
:3. Please study the output of the interactive shell session above and note that in order to call the format_time() function, we have to prefix it with the class name '''Time''' as it is under the class definition in Also note that format_time() is now a method of the time object '''t1'''.
:4. You may also notice that when we called the print() function with our time object t1, the print function only showed that it is an Time object and its memory location, but did not display its properties (i.e. data attributes) like the values of its hour, minute, and second attributes.
:5. Try to find out how to test the valid_date(), change_time() functions to make sure they all work.
:6. Download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab7/
pwd #confirm that you are in the right directory
ls || wget
python3 ./ -f -v lab7d
:7. Before proceeding, make certain that you identify all errors in When the checking script tells you everything is OK - proceed to the next step.
== Part 2 - Special object methods ==
: Each programmer-defined object has a few special methods which can be used to manipulate the object, the one we already know is the '''__init__''' method, which python refers it as the object constructor, and we can associate code to this method in the class definition.
: In this part, we are going to investigate and study the '''__str__''' and '''__repr__''' special methods.
::*'''Associate the following code to the __str__''' method for the Time class: <source lang="python">
def __str__(self):
'''return a string representation for the object self'''
return '%.2d:%2d:%2d' % (self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
:1. Make a copy of and name it as Add the function definition for __str__() after the __init__() function in Make sure that the '''def __str__(self):''' line has the same indentation level as the __init__() function.
:2. Save the file and test it in an interactive Python shell:<source lang="bash">
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
Python 3.4.9 (default, Aug 14 2018, 21:28:57)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from lab7e import *
>>> t1 = Time(9,50,0)
>>> t1
<lab7e.Time object at 0x7f830b498be0>
>>> print(t1)
>>> t1.format_time()
>>> print(t1.format_time())
:3. Now with the proper code (same code for the format_time() function) attached to the __str__ methon, we have a string representation for our time object that the print() function can/will use.
:4. You will still notice that typing the time object name itself on an interactive python shell, the Python interpreter will just display the type of the object and its location in memory.
:5. Let's look at the next special object method '''__repr__()'''. We can also attached code to this function to tell the python interpreter what we would like the object to look like in an interactive shell.
::* '''Associate the following code to the __repr__''' method for the Time class: <source lang="python">
def __repr__(self):
'''return a string representation for the object self'''
return '%.2d.%2d.%2d' % (self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
:6. Add the function definition for __repr__() after the __str__() function in Please note that we use the '.' instead of ':' in the formatting string. Make sure that the '''def __repr__(self):''' line has the same indentation level as the __init__() function.
:7. Save the file and test it in an interactive Python shell:<source lang="bash">
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
Python 3.4.9 (default, Aug 14 2018, 21:28:57)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from lab7e import *
>>> t1 = Time(9, 50, 0)
>>> t1
>>> print(t1)
::* Note: if you have python code attached to both the __str__ and __repr__ special method, the print() function will use the string return by the __str__ method. If __str__ is not defined, the print() function will use the string return by __repr__.
:8. Download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab7/
pwd #confirm that you are in the right directory
ls || wget
python3 ./ -f -v lab7e
:9. Before proceeding, make certain that you identify all errors in When the checking script tells you everything is OK - proceed to the next step.
== Part 3 - Operator overloading ==
: Remember we define the sum_times() function to add to time objects and return their sum? After we moved the function definition under the class definition in, it became a class function, and method for the time object. It can be invoked by using the Time.sum_times(t1,t2) syntax or t1.sum_times(t2) syntax. How, there is any way to invoke it by using a special function which ties to the '+' arithmetic operator.
: The '+' operator is bind to the special function of an object's __add__() method. If we attached the same code we have for the sum_times() function to the special function __add__() for the time object, the we can use the '+' operator to tell the python interpreter to perform sum operation on thw time object.
: Changing or specifying the behaviour of an operator so that it works with programmer-defined types is called '''operator overloading'''.
: Let's add the appropriate code to the __add__ function to overload the '+' operator so that we can use an arithmetic expression to tell the python interpreter to add two time object.
::* '''Associate the code to the __add__ method''':<source lang="python">
def __add__(self, t2):
return self.sum_times(t2)
:1. Copy to a new file called Add the function definition for __add__() after the __str__() function to Make sure that the '''def __add__(self, t2):''' line has the same indentation level as the __init__() function.
:2. Save the file and test it in an interactive Python shell:<source lang="bash">
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
Python 3.4.9 (default, Aug 14 2018, 21:28:57)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from lab7f import *
>>> t1 = Time(9,50,0)
>>> t2 = Time(1,1,1)
>>> t1.sum_times(t2)
>>> t2.sum_times(t1)
>>> t1 + t2
>>> x = t1 + t2
>>> type(x)
<class 'lab7f.Time'>
>>> print(x)
::* Note: If you get different results, please troubleshoot your file and fix any discrepancy.
:3. Download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab7/
pwd #confirm that you are in the right directory
ls || wget
python3 ./ -f -v lab7f
:4. Before proceeding, make certain that you identify all errors in When the checking script tells you everything is OK - proceed to the next step.
= Investigation III - Objects and Scope =
: Scope means where an object can be accessed, and how long that object exists.
: In this investigation, we will look at the types of scope you're most likely to run into and which are most likely to cause trouble for you. We will not be explicitly looking at class scope, nested functions, built-in objects, constants, and mutability.
== Part 1: Local Scope ==
: In Python any object that is created inside a function has local scope. That means that it is accessible only by code inside that function, and is not accessible by any code outside of the function. In other languages this concept is related to '''block''' scope but that does not exist in python. Every block inside a function has the same scope.
: Try the following code. Have each in a separate Python file.
: '''''' - local scope: <source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student ID: [seneca_id]
def function1():
# This object 'a' is completely unrelated to the object 'a' in function2():
a = 'object_function1'
print('print() call in function1 on a:',a)
def function2():
# This variable 'a' is completely unrelated to the variable 'a' in function1():
a = 'function2_object'
print('print() call in function2 on a:',a)
# Note that you cannot access the value of object '''a''' created in function1()
# or function2() with the print() functions after the calling function1() and function2()
# All the print() retrieved the value of object '''a''' defined in the main script.
a = 'object_in_main'
print('print() call in main on a:',a)
print('print() call in main on a:',a)
print('print() call in main on a:',a)
==Part 2: Global Scope ==
: Sometimes you want to have an object accessible from anywhere in your program, including inside and outside any functions. Here's an example:
:'''''' - global scope <source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student ID: [seneca_id]
def function1():
print('print() in function1 on schoolName:',schoolName)
def function2():
print('print() in function2 on schoolName:',schoolName)
schoolName = 'Seneca College'
print('print() in main on schoolName:',schoolName)
print('print() in main on schoolName:',schoolName)
print('print() in main on schoolName:',schoolName)
: Note that the same thing is printed over and over because the '''schoolName''' object is defined outside a function which makes it global which makes it accessible from anywhere.
: Python has one weird quirk when it comes to global scope: if you assign something to an existing object inside a function - it will assume you want to create a new object in that function's local scope. That will hide the global object inside the function unless you declare it explicitly with the global keyword:
: '''''' - global keyword <source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student ID: [seneca_id]
def function1():
schoolName = 'SICT'
print('print() in function1 on schoolName:',schoolName)
def function2():
global schoolName
schoolName = 'SSDO'
print('print() in function2 on schoolName:',schoolName)
schoolName = 'Seneca'
print('print() in main on schoolName:',schoolName)
print('print() in main on schoolName:',schoolName)
print('print() in main on schoolName:',schoolName)
:* The execution of the script '''''' shown above should give your:<source lang="bash">
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
print() in main on schoolName: Seneca
print() in function1 on schoolName: SICT
print() in main on schoolName: Seneca
print() in function2 on schoolName: SSDO
print() in main on schoolName: SSDO
::Note that the function1() call does not modify the global '''schoolName''' object but function2() does.
: As the last task for this lab: modify the script above so that it would print the following, by changing only the scope of some objects. Save the program as '''''': <source lang="bash">
print() in main on schoolName: Seneca
print() in function1 on schoolName: SICT
print() in main on schoolName: SICT
print() in function2 on schoolName: SSDO
print() in main on schoolName: SSDO
== Object/Instance Scope ==
: Every object can have attributes that exist for that object only. You create and access those attribute with the name of the object itself using the dot '.' notation. Note that these may not part of the '''class''' object's attribute. Each object has its own set of '''instance''' attributes. You will have seen that when you created objects in the Classes and Objects section above.
:'''Have Ready to Show Your Instructor:'''
::<span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> Output of: <code>./ -f -v</code>
::<span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> Output of: <code>cat</code>
:'''Files to be submitted individually to Blackboard:'''
:: Name the output of <code>./ -f -v </code> as lab7_[seneca_id].txt
:: Python script files for this lab:,,,,, and
=Lab Review=
# What is a program-defined type object?
# What python keyword is used to create a blue-print for a new type of objects?
# What are the two types of attributes a Python object may have?
# Where does a program-defined python object get its methods from?
# What is the difference between a pure function and a modifier function?
# What does the time_to_sec() function do?
# What does the sec_to_time() function do?
# What is the reason for not making sec_to_time() a mothod for the Time object?
# How do you make an external function to be a method of a programmer-defined object?
# What does the special method '''__init__''' do?
# What does the special method '''__str__''' do?
# What does the special method '''__repr__''' do?
# What does '''operator overloading''' refer to in Python?
# What does the term '''scope''' mean in Python?
# When do you want to create an object with '''global''' scope?
# What '''scope''' does an object have if it is created in a function?

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