Added links to mozilla24 talk by David Humphrey
* '''Readings/Resources'''
* [[Mozilla Community]] (on-line lecture) by Mozilla's Mike Beltzner * '''Getting started in Open Source projects, or "Learning to be at the festival"''' (on-line lecture) by David Humphrey (given at [http://www.mozilla24.com/en-US/ Mozilla24 in Stanford]): Formats - [http://videos.mozilla.org/mozilla24/1-16_david.mpg mpg], [http://videos.mozilla.org/mozilla24/1-16_david.ogg ogg], [http://videos.mozilla.org/mozilla24/1-16_david.mp4 mp4]
* [[Real_World_Mozilla_IRC_Lab|IRC Lab]]
** Look at the [[Project List]] and [[Potential Projects]] pages and pick ''3 projects'' on which you'd like to work--next week, you'll narrow this to just one. List them [[Fall 2007 Project Sign-up|here]] along with your name so other students can see and groups can form.
** Add your wiki page to the class list for your section: [[Students in DPS909]] or [[Students in OSD600]]
== Week 3 (Sept 17) - Managing and Building large source trees ==