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Testing Mozilla Linux/Runtime Requirements

878 bytes added, 14:17, 24 December 2007
Project Details
'''386567''' NEEDINFO Reftests bidi/bidi-004.html and bidi/bidi-004-j.html failing on Linux
392934 Linux XAA accel not useful for Render tracking bug
396726 Serious performance regression in dealing with binary-data-as-text document
371867 Severe performance regression on FAA flight status page
380115 Black rectangle at the bottom of long page
407107Canvas 407107 Canvas tests passing on Mac but failing on Windows/Linux407360 – Images with transparent backgrounds are garbled when printed 386451 Too much memory used by Thebes Images to display 4.5Mb Image 403618 Text Zooming 4x slower after landing bug 362682 329338 "BenchJS" DHTML benchmark 50% slower with linux cairo build 401791 Canvas miterLimit ignored on axis-aligned corners 405740 Very slow scrolling on wikipedia pages 397303 Thebes rendering of inset/outset borders very slow333126 Bold/Italic text isn't displayed as bold/italic with cairo-gtk2 build if the font is synthesis font 383386 Regression test for bug 359869 fails on Mac 365680 [GTK] Acid 2 is broken because we pick bitmap fonts 407352 MakeSpaceTextRun should short-circuit zero-sized fonts [ASSERTION: throwing away our good metrics] 401988 gfxPangoFontGroup::CreateGlyphRunsItemizing must use gfxPangoFont corresponding to the PangoFont of pango_shape
== Project News ==
* '''June 13, 2007''' - Created project page, got permissions for use of Linux14 on hera.

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