no edit summary
|4||Sep 23||[[#Week 4 - Class I|Computer Resources and Performance Binary Representation of Data / Baseline Builds Data Type Selection / Benchmarking and ProfilingAlgorithm Selection]]||[[#Week 4 - Class II|Software Build Lab Algorithm Selection (Lab 4)]]||[[#Week 4 Deliverables|Blog your Lab lab 4 results.]]
|5||Sep 30||[[#Week 5 - Class I|Binary Representation of DataSIMD and Vectorization / Inline Assembler]]||[[#Week 5 - Class II|Algorithm Selection Investigation: Inline Assembler]] (Lab 5) / Inline Assembler]]||[[#Week 5 Deliverables|Blog your lab 5 results.]]
|6||Oct 7||[[#Week 6 - Class I|SIMD Computer Resources and Vectorization Performance / Inline AssemblerBaseline Builds / Benchmarking and Profiling]]||[[#Week 6 - Class II|Investigation: Inline Assembler]] Software Build Lab (Lab 6)]]||[[#Week 6 Deliverables|Blog your lab Lab 6 results.]]
## Optional: Purchase an AArch64 development board (such as a [http://96boards.org 96Boards] HiKey or Raspberry Pi 3 or 4. (If you use a Pi, install a 64-bit Linux operating system on it, not a 32-bit version).
# Complete [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Lab 1]] and write it up on your blog.
== Week 2 ==
=== Week 2 - Class I ===
=== Week 3 - Deliverables ===
* Finish and blog your detailed results for the [[SPO600 Assembler Lab|Assembler Lab]] (Lab 3)
== Week 4 ==
=== Week 4 - Class I ===
* Binary Representation of Data
** Integers
** Fixed-point
** Floating-point
** Sound
** Graphics
** Compression techniques
*** Huffman encoding / Adaptive arithmetic encoding
*** Repeated sequence encoding (1D, 2D, 3D)
*** Decomposition
*** Pallettization
*** Psychoacoustic and psychovisual compression
* Problem: Scaling Sound
** Naive approach
** Lookup table
** Fixed-point multiply and shift
=== Week 4 - Class II ===
* [[SPO600 Algorithm Selection Lab|Algorithm Selection Lab]] (Lab 4)
=== Week 4 Deliverables ===
* Blog your results to [[SPO600 Algorithm Selection Lab|Lab 4]]