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Potential Projects

808 bytes added, 15:03, 14 December 2007
adding proposal for a webpage delta debugger
Write an extension to leverage the existing spellcheck code in Mozilla and add the ability to highlight spelling mistakes for a given web page (i.e., vs. a textbox).
== Webpage Delta Debugger ==
(From #seneca)
It'd be really nice to have a webpage "delta debugger" extension - something where the user could make a change, save a complete copy of the document post-change, load it in the browser again, and see if the bug's still there. If it is, user makes another change, gets another complete copy saved, loads the new copy, lather rinse repeat. If the bug isn't there, scrap the newly saved copy, but allow the user to annotate it, saying "Hey, I tried this already, don't try it again".
Suggestions include wrapping Jesse Ruderman's "Lithium" testcase reducer project into an user-friendly Firefox extension, or a DOM Inspector-like tool, focusing on a representation of the tree of DOM nodes.
Resources: Alex Vincent (WeirdAl in #developers on

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