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ULI101 Assignment 1

158 bytes added, 14:06, 12 September 2019
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<h1>ULI101 - Introduction to Unix/Linux and the Internet</h1>
<h2>Assignment #1: Introduction to Unix/Linux Concepts</h2>
<li>To begin Assignment 1, enter the following on Matrix:
<br><br> <tt><b>~uli101/a1</b></tt>
<li>You will see the following screen, please select the correct ULI101 section and professor (A to ZD):<br><br>
<div style="border:solid 3px black; width:100ch; font-family:courier; font-weight:bold; line-height:normal"><br>
<font span style="color:white; background-color:blue;">Please Identify Your ULI101 Section To Continue</fontspan><br>
This can be changed later if you move to a different section, or if you have entered an incorrect
Q - Murray Saul
Enter one of the section identifiers from above: <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue;">&nbsp;</fontspan><br>
</div><br></li> <li>You will see the following important notes on the next screen:<br><br>
<div style="border:solid 3px black; width:100ch; font-family:courier; font-weight:bold; line-height:normal">
ULI101 Assignment 1: &nbsp;Notes<br><nowiki>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</nowiki>
Some important notes on this Assignment:<br>
(5) This Assignment is maintained by Les Czegel. Please try to resolve any problems with your<br>
instructor who will determine if Les should be contacted.<br>
Press <ENTER> to continue (or enter: 'm'-main menu).<font style="color:white; background-color:blue;">&nbsp;</font>
<br><nowiki>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</nowiki>Press &lt;ENTER&gt; to continue (or enter: 'm'-main menu).<span style="color:white; background-color:blue;">&nbsp;</span><br></div><br></li> <li>Hit ENTER and you'll see the following, assuming you selected section "A":<br><br>
<div style="border:solid 3px black; width:100ch; font-family:courier; font-weight:bold; line-height:normal">
ULI101 Assignment 1: &nbsp;Selection Menu<br><nowiki>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</nowiki><br> Available selections:<br><br>1 <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue;">Introduction to Unix Commands</fontspan><br>2 <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue">Basic Unix Commands</fontspan><br>3 <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue">Directory Management</fontspan><br>4 <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue">Practice Commands To Create A Directory Structure</fontspan><br>5 <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue">Create A Directory Structure</fontspan><br>6 <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue">Practice Specifying Path Names</fontspan><br>
Marks earned so far for ULI101 Assignment 1: 0 out of 6<br>
parts completed after midnight of October 4 2019.<br>
<font span style="color:white; background-color:blue">You cannot lower your overall mark by completing additional parts, no<br>matter how late. Only the additional parts will receive late penalties.</fontspan><br>
You are currently registered to <font span style="color:white; background-color:blue">ULI101 Section A - Brian Gray</fontspan>.<br>
Select 'C' if you need to change your ULI101 Section.<br>
Enter a menu selection or 'q' to quit: <font style="color:white; background-color:blue"> </font>
<br><nowiki>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</nowiki>Enter a menu selection or 'q' to quit: <span style="color:white; background-color:blue">&nbsp;</span><br></div><br></li>
<li>As you can see, the assignment is divided into 6 parts. Incomplete
parts will be highlighted, as will incomplete sections within each part.

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