,→Accessing Your Linux Computer Account
<b>Logging in to matrix:</b> After successfully logging into matrix from the
college computers, there are several other ways you can login to matrix depending on
your operating system of choice.<br>Please see the following '''[https://ict.senecacollege.ca/~uli101/notes/MatrixLoginInformation.pdf guide] ''' for detailed instructions</a>.
<b>In case of problems with:</b>
<ul> <li>logging into your matrix account</li> <li>matrix not finding your home directory and you cannot start the assignments</li> <li>any other matrix issue</li> </ul>
Please let <b>'''[mailto:servicedesk@senecacollege.ca servicedesk@senecacollege.ca]'''</b>
know the exact error message you received. It would help if you snap a picture of your screen or
take a screen capture of your error message and attach to your email when you contact ServiceDesk through your MySeneca email.