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Fall 2019 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

243 bytes added, 09:58, 3 September 2019
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* Do the [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Code Review Lab (Lab 1)]] as homework.
<!-- ==== Computer Architecture ====
* [[Computer Architecture]] overview (see also the [[:Category:Computer Architecture|Computer Architecture Category]])
==== Reference ====
* [[Computer Architecture]] and [[:Category:Computer Architecture|Computer Architecture Category]]--> === Week 2 - Class II === * Compiler Operation** Stages of Compilation**# Preprocessing**# Compiling**# Assembling**# Linking* Analyzing compiler output** Disassembly* [[SPO600 Compiled C Lab|Compiled C Lab]] (Lab 2) 
=== Week 1 Deliverables ===
# Optional: Purchase an AArch64 development board (such as a [ 96Boards] HiKey or Raspberry Pi 3 or 4. (If you use a Pi, install a 64-bit Linux operating system on it, not a 32-bit version).
== Week 2 ==

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