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SRT210 Lab 8

1,104 bytes added, 17:10, 2 April 2019
* Look more closely at how that works.
* Set up password-less authentication using the same assymetric encryption concepts.
The principle is the same as all public key encryption but in this case its use is in a way backwards. Instead of the server holding the private key to allow clients to open an encrypted connection, in this case the client holds the private key as proof that it really is the client. Therefor the private key on the client serves the same purpose as a password normally does.
* As root on your c7host, use ssh-keygen to generate a keypair. Leave the filename as the default and input an empty passphrase.
** A passphrase would normally be a good thing but for this lab it will be less work to not have it.
* Now you should have an ~/.ssh/id_rsa file (your private key) and an ~/.ssh/ file (your public key).
* Copy the public key to the user's home directory on the machine which you want to ssh to using this key, start with lin1:<br /><source>ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@lin1.youruserid.ops</source>
* Now the root user on c7host can ssh as root to lin1 without using a password.
* Repeat these steps for the root user on c7host and the root user on every one of your nested VMs.

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