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OPS435 Python Lab 6

466 bytes added, 09:27, 21 January 2020
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* Create new type of objects using the Class construct and investigate different ways in using them.
:Python is an object oriented programming language. Python uses the concept of "object" to store data(attributes) and code(methods) efficiently for later use. By using objects, programming languages gain the advantage of making large/complex programs into smaller and modular codes, which can be used or shared with other users/programs. In Python, almost everything that we have used is actually an object with a specific purpose, however starting in this lab we will create our own objects, and investigate different ways to use them.
:In previous labs, you have been advised to make notes and use online references. This also apply to learning about object oriented programming.
:Below is a table with links to useful online Python reference sites (by category)document for Classes and objects. You may find these references useful when performing assignments should study the information given below and make sure you understand the key concepts introduced and labsdiscussed before start working on this lab.
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:Handling Errors &amp; ExceptionsUsing Classes
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:[ Errors &amp; ExceptionsClasses]
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:Built-in ExceptionsClasses and Objects
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:[httpshttp://docsgreenteapress.python.orgcom/3thinkpython2/libraryhtml/exceptionsthinkpython2016.html Built-in ExceptionsThink Python Chapter 15]
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:ListsClasses and functions
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:[httpshttp://docsgreenteapress.python.orgcom/3thinkpython2/tutorialhtml/introductionthinkpython2017.html#lists ListsThink Python Chapter 16]
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:DictionariesClasses and methods
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:[httpshttp://docsgreenteapress.python.orgcom/3thinkpython2/tutorialhtml/datastructuresthinkpython2018.html#dictionaries DictionariesThink Python Chapter 17]
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:Using Classes
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:[ Classes]
== Key Concepts related to Python Class and Object ==
* Programmer-defined types
* Class Object
* Class methods: __init__, __str__, etc
* Class instance: attributes and methods
* Object instantiation
* Object Attributes
* Pure Function
* Scopes and Namespaces: local, nonlocal, and global
* Class definition syntax
* Class and Instance variables
* Iterators and Generators
* Operator overloading
= INVESTIGATION 1: Creating Classes =
== PART 1 - Creating a Class ==
:Each object of a class that we write in Python can contain variables, functions, code, but none of the code is executed or run until the class is used to create an object. Remember that the class is a blueprint for how your object will work, the object that will be created is what will actually be running the code. This part of a class works in the same way as a function definition, the function doesn't run until it's executed, code inside classes doesn't run until the they are made into objects.
:'''Perform the Following Steps:'''

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