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SRT210 Lab 1

1,474 bytes added, 14:37, 3 January 2019
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* Set up virtual machines to use in the course.
* Understand how boot records and offline disk access affect the security of a system.
= Introduction =
* The course is made primarily of labs. It will contain traditional instruction but only enough to get you started. Use the rest of the time to practice what you're supposed to be learning and ask questions when you get stuck or when something doesn't make sense.
* We'll typically have one weak for each lab. The lab is due in class, and needs to be checked by the professor before class is over. That means you should plan to have everything done by the middle of the class.
* Make the best out of your labbook. Not only is it a record of your progress (and your marks for the labs) but it's a large set of notes you'll be able to use at all the assessments.
* Everything in the labbook must be hand-written (by you) and every page must have your name on it. If I catch you using someone else's notes during an assessment - that will be treated as plagiarism.
* Speaking of plagiarism - it will not be tolerated in this course. You're encouraged to discuss and help each other (within reason) during labs, but all other assessed work must be completed independently.
* The lab instructions are written for the lab environment at school, but ask your professor if you can use your own host for the coursework and assessments. Generally speaking it should be possible.
* You do '''not''' need the following items which are listed in the course outline: USB stick; raspberry pi, case, cable, and power supply; network cable; SD card; and wireless adapter.

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