→Interpreting results
From there you can see the execution time, number of threads, the caller of threads, if they were active or not.
[[File:Inspector_03_Threading_analysis_CollectionLog.PNG| 300px]]
Shows threads that involved at the certain step.
There is a thread and timeline information for all code locations in one or all occurrences of the problem(s) highlighted in the Problems pane [[File:Inspector_03_Threading_analysis_02_dataRace_.PNG| 1000px]]
Memory leak problem : https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/1184749/Allocating-Memory-in-C-Cplusplus-How-to-Avoid-Memo
Shows source file and a call stack on different threads.
[[File:Inspector_03_Threading_analysis_02_dataRace_source_.PNG| 1000px]]
=Intel VTune™ Amplifier=