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3,504 bytes added, 20:33, 25 November 2018
This code takes the single-threaded version above and applies TBB to leverage the power of threading to increase performance.
<source>#include <algorithm> #include <cmath>#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <random>#include <tbb/tbb.h> struct Para{ double s_m; double s_b;};struct Coor{ double s_x; double s_y;};template<typename T,typename R, typename C>class Body{ T m_acc; const R* m_coor; T* m_out; T m_i; C m_c;  public:  Body(T* out,R* co, T i, C c): m_acc(i),m_coor(co), m_out(out), m_i(i), m_c(c) {} T get_accumul() const { return m_acc; }  void operator()(tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t>& r){ T temp = m_acc; for (std::size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++) temp = m_c(temp, m_out[i],m_coor[i]); m_acc = temp; } template<typename Tag> void operator()(tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t>& r, Tag){ T temp = m_acc; for (std::size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++){ temp = m_c(temp, m_out[i],m_coor[i]); if (Tag::is_final_scan()){ m_out[i] = temp; } } m_acc = temp; } Body(Body& b, tbb::split) : m_acc(b.m_i), m_coor(b.m_coor), m_out(b.m_out), m_i(b.m_i), m_c(b.m_c){} void reverse_join(Body& a){ m_acc.s_m = (m_acc.s_m + a.m_acc.s_m)/2; m_acc.s_b = (m_acc.s_b + a.m_acc.s_b)/2; } void join(Body& a){ m_acc.s_m = (m_acc.s_m + a.m_acc.s_m)/2; m_acc.s_b = (m_acc.s_b + a.m_acc.s_b)/2; } void assign(Body& b) { m_acc = b.m_acc ; }}; template<typename T,typename R, typename C>T scan( T* out, R* co, std::size_t n, T identity, C combine){ Body<T,R,C> body(out, co, identity, combine); tbb::parallel_reduce ( tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t>(0,n,5000), body ); return body.get_accumul();}  int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::size_t N; double learn_rate; std::size_t epoches; if (argc != 4) { N = 1000; learn_rate = 1.0e-3; epoches = 5; } else { N = std::strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10); learn_rate = std::strtod(argv[2], NULL); epoches = std::strtoul(argv[3], NULL,10); std::cout << "N = " << N << ", learn_rate = " << learn_rate << ", epoches" << epoches << std::endl; }  // creating random dataset Coor* c = new Coor[N]; /* coordinates */ double* m_real = new double[FileN]; double* b_real = new double[N];  std::default_random_engine generator; std::normal_distribution<double> m_dist(0.5,0.2); std::normal_distribution<double> b_dist(1.0,0.2); std::normal_distribution<double> x_dist(0.0,1);#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided, 1) for(std:lr:size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { m_real[i] = m_dist(generator); b_real[i] = b_dist(generator); c[i].s_x = x_dist(generator); c[i].s_y = m_real[i] * c[i].s_x + b_real[i]; }  Para* a = new Para[N]; /* parameters */  auto calc = [&](Para& temp, Para& a, const Coor& c ) { double p = temp.s_b + temp.s_m * c.s_x; double err = p - c.s_y; a.s_b = temp.s_b -mplearn_rate * err; a.txts_m = temp.s_m - learn_rate * err * c.s_x; return a; };  Para final; for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < epoches ; i++){ final = scan(a,c,N,final,calc); } std::cout << "b = " << a[N-1].s_b << ", m = " << a[N-1].s_m << std::endl; delete [] m_real; delete [] b_real; delete [] a; delete []c; return 0;}</source>

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