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OPS435 Python Assignment 3

765 bytes added, 13:17, 16 November 2018
** [ Time module Tutorial]
** [ Time module API reference page]
=== Sample Output ===
You python script should check the class cancellation notification site for any classes cancellation that are going to happen in the next 24 hours. If it identifies any classes, it should check the class cancellation notification subscription sites for any matches. If there is any matches, it should send an appropriate email to the subscriber using the following template:
Dear <subscriber full name>,
Your <class code> scheduled on <data and time> is being cancellated. Details about the cancellation and be found at <Class Cancellation Notification site>.
Your class cancellation notification team.
Message generated on <Date and time stamp>
The sample message should also written to your CCN log file named ccn.log.

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