Name your Python3 script as <code>ccn_[student_id].py</code>. Create a symbolic link to your script as ccn.py (e.g. use the command ln -s ccn_rchan.py ccn.py to create the link) so that you can refer to your script as ccn.py. Your script must accept one or more "web site" as its command line parameters and other optional parameters as shown below. Your python script should produce the following usage text when run with the --help option:
[rchan@centos7 a1a3]$ python3 ./ccn.py -husage: ccn.py [-h] [-n CCN s SITE] F N [F N ...]
Class Cancellation Notification System
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c s SITE, --site SITE class USER Class Cancellation cancellation web site -v, --verbose tune on output verbosity
Copyright 2018 - Raymond Chan
Replace the last line with your own full name