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OSD/DPS Fall 2018 Open Source Project Ideas

8,546 bytes added, 19:58, 21 November 2018
9. Seneca Student Resume/Portfolio Static Site Generator
New project to build ad-hoc, mesh-networking style messaging.
Repo: TBD
=== Research ===
* Pure p2p wifi at low level doesn't seem supported without rooting your Android Phone
* has some good links to mesh networking projects we might be able to use
=== People ===
* ?[ Muchtar Salimov]* ?[ Ryan Hayes]* ?[ Maya Filipp]
* [ Adam Kolodko]
* [ Ruihui Yan]
* [ Derrick Leung]
* [ Daniel Bogomazov]
== 2. Seneca Web Extension Blackboard & Student Centre Extensions for Google Chrome ==
New project to build a browser extension Google Chrome extensions to fix various Seneca web sites Blackboard & Student Centre websites and their UI/UX issues:
* Seneca Blackboard(Repo: [ SenecaBlackboardExtension])** Remove useless parts of the website:*** Seneca News*** Seneca Spotlight*** Did You Know?* ** Quickly*** Useless announcements (Full-Time Student News, Student CentreNews)** Make course selection easier by having something function similar * More?** Add new features:*** Organize modules that left after removing useless parts*** New module dedicated to [ this example]important dates** Main display * Announcements should be changed show date, either as year, month, and day, or X days ago*** Split up announcements and marks notifications in the top right corner on the main page*** Button to switch to full width original version of Blackboard*** Add the email link to the screenlogin page* Others** Add the MySeneca.Help link to the sign in page*** Add Reset/Forgot password on this [ sign in] page
* Student Centre (Repo: TBD[ StudentCentreExtension])** Add new features:*** Organize modules*** Make course selection easier by having something function similar to [ this example]*** Main display should be changed to full width of the screen
=== Research ===
* Example from uwaterloo [ learn-darklight]
* What kind of Fixes do we need?
** ?
** ?
** ?
* [ Stephen Truong]
* [ Jagmeet Bhamber]
* [ Vincent Wong]
* [ Yuecheng Wu]
* [ Allan Zou]
* [ Victor Kubrak]
* [ Andriy Yevseytsev]
* [ Charlotte Baptist]
* [ Peng Qu]
* [ Xuan Dinh Truong]
* [ Ryan Vu]
* [ Deepanjali Gerangal]
* [ Xiaochen Wang]
* [ Dan Lin]
* [ Qingwen Wang]
== 3. Speech-To-Text for HTML Coding in VSCode ==
Need to write a VSCode Extension, pick a Speech-To-Text library to integrate, create a "grammar" or "vocabulary" bound to commands for inserting HTML tags.
Repo: TBD[ CodeTalker] Join our Slack Channel: [ CodeTalker]
=== Research ===
* Speech to code Example program
=== People ===
* [ Stephen Ward]
* ?[ Nathan Misener]* ?[ Yeonwoo Park]* [ Yuecheng Wu]* [ Michael Overall]* [ Wang Pan]* [ Charlotte Baptist]
== 4. Turn-based creative writing web app ==
New project to build a turn-based creative writing app, where people can collaborate on writing storiesand practice their creative writing skillsGoal is a real time creative writing collaboration 'game'. Each participant takes a turn to add a limited amount of text (ie: 100 words max) to write a short story. Each story will have a maximum of 10 writers and a minimum of 2 who can be anonymous or invited friends.  Repo: [ Creative Collab] Slack: [ Creative Collab App]
=== Research ===
=== People ===
* ?[ Mera Gangapersaud]* ?[ Sean Prashad]* ?[ Nathan Misener]* [ Volodymyr Klymenko]* [ Vincent Wong]* [ Shawn Pang]* [ Mark Krutik]* [ Oleksii Kozachenko]* [ Tien Phat Vu]* [ Dilan Guneratne]
== 5. Seneca Student Personal GitHub Dashboard ==
* track status of things you've worked on (Issues, Bugs, Projects)
* track projects you want to try next, showing you possible good bugs you could do
'''Repository''' : [ GitHub-Dashboard]
[ Join our slack group!]
=== Research ===
* [ Deepanjali Gerangal]
* [ Jagmeet Bhamber]
* [ Huda Al Dallal]
* [ Yuzhou Chen]
* [ Minying Chen]
* [ Julia Yatsenko]
* [ Shawn Mathew]
* [ Julia McGeoghan]
* [ Derrick Leung]
* [ Derrick Leung]
* [ Karan Sandhu]
== 6. NodeChat ==
Join the slack group for more information or questions.
Slack: [ NodeChatApp]
=== Research ===
* ?Topics that could be researched JSON web Tokens, RethinkDB and whats involved to make it available on npm.
=== People ===
* [ Corey James]
* [ Thanh Nguyen]
* [ Julia McGeoghan]
* [ Minying Chen]
* [ Joshua Jadulco]
* [ Mera Gangapersaud]
* [ Mark Krutik]
* [ Oleksii Kozachenko]
* [ Ruihui Yan]
* [ Xuan Dinh Truong]
* [ Xiaochen Wang]
* [ Dilan Guneratne]
* [ Thomas Nolte]
== 7. Unity side-scrolling video game in C# ==
Repo: [ Solitary]
Join our Discord Group: [ Solitary Chat]
=== Research ===
* [ Nathan Misener]
* [ Brendan Hung]
* [ Aketepe]* [ Yeonwoo Park]* [ Yuecheng Wu]* [ Victor Kubrak]* [ Andriy Yevseytsev]* [ Charlotte Baptist]* [ Ruihui Yan]* [ Steven Le]* [ Adam Pucciano]
== 8. Supernova ==
* Implement [ OAuth Authentication] from the command line to e.g. add/remove stars for a GitHub account.
* Set up automated testing/linting with tools like [ Clippy] on [ Travis CI].
* Gitter discussion:
=== People ===
* [ Stuart Crust]
* [ Sean Prashad]
* ?[ Maya Filipp]* [ Chaya Danzinger]
== 9. Seneca Student Resume/Portfolio Static Site Generator ==
New project to create a turn-key resume/portfolio generator for Seneca students: simple static site generation for non-technical students using ghGitHub and github page( Repo: [ Portfolio generator] === Research === * [https://pages and GitHubPages]* [ Resume Generator]* [ .docx to HTML converter for .NET Framework] === People === * [ Huda Al Dallal]* [ Yuecheng Wu]* [ Yeonwoo Park]* [ Mark Krutik]* [ Ruihui Yan]* [ Charlotte Baptist]* [ Xiaochen Wang]* [ Peng Qu]* [ Xuan Dinh Truong] == 10. Youtube Video Resumer - Remember where you left off==A browser extension to remember where you left off on a Youtube video.
Repo: TBD
=== Research ===
* Existing extension for Chrome:* The existing extension is very basic and only stores a list videos and where you left off. This project would create a playlist of unfinished videos along with an indicator of where you left off, then automatically remove videos from the playlist when you finish the video.
=== People ===
* [ Huda Al Dallalitchylol742 Allan Zou]* ?* ?   == 11. PySearch ==Cross platform command-line utility for searching Amazon, Google, StackOverflow etc in your browser  Repo: [ pySearch] === Research === * How to add command line commands to the Path for Unix or Windows* Search strings for popular websites* Test frameworks for Python === People === * [ Alex Kong]* [Wang Pan]* [ Shreena Athia]* [Joshua Mayers]  == 12. Goblin Camp Stone Soup ==This project is a fork of a project called Goblin Camp, a clone of Dwarf Fortress.It is written in C++, and includes its own version of Boost and libtcod along with other dependencies. Repo: [ Goblin Camp on Github] Call-to-arm: [ Small Introduction] === Research ===We will be focusing on, in this order:* bringing the project up-to-speed in terms of its included libraries and dependencies,* profiling, testing, and understanding various bottlenecks, * and start improving performance while also implementing features from Dwarf Fortress. === People ===* [ Tony Sim]* [ Robert Dittrich]  == 13. apollo ==A webscraper written in C++ using the cURL library. Scrapes and stores information about upcoming music albums to a local database. Repo: [ apollo] === Research ===Uses cURL for webscraping and PostgreSQL as the db. Going to be used as the backend for mobile applications but you can fork the repo once it's done for personal use if you'd like :) More information available in the README in the repo === People ===* [ Daniel Bogomazov] 
== Other ideas presented ==
* (NEW) Open Source Dwarf Fortress clone: ASCII style game
* (NEW) RSS bot for when wiki's are updated
* (NEW) Browser extension for remembering where you left off & resume YouTube videos
* (NEW) YouTube bulk downloader using youtube-dl (provide a list of links to videos to download)
* (NEW) Social Media Dashboard - see analytics from multiple social media platforms
* (NEW) Web bot detector/blocker- Info here ( Interest - 1 add++
* (EXISTING) Cross platform command-line utility for searching Amazon, Google, StackOverflow etc in your browser
* (NEW) Test wrapper script for running tests from different frameworks
* (EXISTING) My Little Pony search GUI for data and analytics of existing, large fan fiction database; built with Java Swing
* (NEW) Text diff tool for dealing with non line-based changes

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