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New project to build ad-hoc, mesh-networking style messaging.
Repo: TBD
* https://www.opengarden.com/firechat/ (proprietary) does something like this over bluetooth and wifi on iOS and Android
* Pure p2p wifi at low level doesn't seem supported without rooting your Android Phone
* ?
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New project to build a browser extension to fix various Seneca web sites and their UI/UX issues:
* Student Centre
* Others?
Repo: TBD
* Could fork [https://github.com/sindresorhus/refined-twitter] or [https://github.com/sindresorhus/refined-github] to get started. Both do something similar to what we'd need.
* Lots of other [https://github.com/topics/browser-extension existing browser extension projects on GitHub]
* What kind of Fixes do we need?
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New project to build a Visual Studio Extension that allows voice commands for creating HTML documents.
Repo: TBD
* Lots of other [https://github.com/topics/vscode-extension existing VSCode extension projects on GitHub]
* [https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/overview]
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New project to build a turn-based creative writing app, where people can collaborate on writing stories.
* Lots of existing editor tech we could use:
** Publishing of final product into different formats? e.g., [https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.js]
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New project to create a web-based GitHub Dashboard suitable for Seneca students doing open source. Some ideas:
* track projects you want to try next, showing you possible good bugs you could do
* Lots of GitHub dashboards already exist that might do some of what we want.
* GitHub API allows for querying data easily
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Exiting project for a Node.js, React chat app. Needs work to make it standalone and published on npm
Repo: https://github.com/OTRChat/NodeChat
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* [https://github.com/coreyjjames Corey James]
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Existing project, Unity based game engine/side-scroller puzzle game written in C#.
Repo: TBD
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* [https://github.com/PopeSpaceous Nathan Misener]
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Existing app written in Rust to aggregate and download starred GitHub projects.
Repo: TBD
* Does this dove-tail at all with the GitHub dashboard project?
* [https://github.com/0xazure Stuart Crust]
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New project to create a turn-key resume/portfolio generator for Seneca students: simple static site generation for non-technical students using gh-pages and GitHub.
Repo: TBD
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