→Thunderbird Bug Fix
== The Open Source Project ==
I am currently working on a project that requires me to document [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Documenting_Interface_Reference_Documents Interface Reference Documents] over the [http://developer.mozilla.org MDC] website.
== Thunderbird Bug Fix ==
Bug: [http://landfill.bugzilla.org/bugzilla-3.0-branch/show_bug.cgi?id=6010 bug report]
Patch: [http://www.geocities.com/werewolves17/misc/patch.txt patch.txt]
Blog: [http://aeraj.blogspot.com/2007/11/patching-thunderbird.html read here]
This presentation was an example of another great talk on the concept of Designing open source software by taking input from the user community that uses it because in reality that is the main strength of the open source software, the community that backs this methodology and supports it whole heartedly. The main theme of the Mike presentation rested in 3 summary points that he made:
Now, this is one of the most interesting advice I have every heard and it is very true on many levels of designing a product that reflects your user needs and requirements. Mike referred to as form of embracing the chaos of open source. Also Mike pointed out in the start of his presentation how “Designing in open source is not something that is ready for primetime”, or something among those lines. Which made me think about it for a while and I later on talked to him about it and basically what he meant is that open source is a great way of constructing and coding applications and building products but in corporation-ruled world that we live in, open source is a sort of new comer into different kind of world, underdog if you may which isn’t ready to take over the software world right now but it is getting there. Many major corporations have to embrace the open source community before it would be ready for primetime and its rightful position on the top of the software development domain.