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Mmullin Report on FSOSS

171 bytes added, 23:22, 31 October 2007
saving whatever changes ive made
=== Talk One - Miguel Trembley ===
This talk was Miguel is a Physicist with Canada's Federal Government; he talked about the METRoproject. Miguel developed a Road Temperature Modeling program for the Federal Government, and open sourced the program after the fourth iteration.
Though Miguel talked about the history of the software he works on, the main point I took from his talk was the position of the Federal Government on software usage. Miguel explained that the Federal Government takes a 'balanced approach' to the software it uses. Which I understand as "we use what is the most practical for us." (I feel skeptical of that because of [ education scandles]). Though I feel skeptical of the government about all things most of the time, METRo is a proof that there is a push towards the open source model in our Canadian Politics.
=== Talk Two - Ross Chevalier ===
Ross is a spokesman for Nortell and spoke about XEN Virtualization. Ross presented to me the idea that virtualization can save business a LARGE amount of money, by allowing a company to harvest all the CPU cycles they possibly can.
''warning, this little use case is my position, and not necessarily Ross' this is how I understood things...''
XEN is a very large project, and I assume hundreds of developers have contributed to various internal projects contained within its boundaries. Ross explained how Novell was working hand in hand with Microsoft to provide XEN Linux->Windows solutions.
=== Comparison=== Miguel seems to be the only person getting paid to work on METRo  

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