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OPS435 Python Assignment 2

100 bytes added, 09:40, 22 April 2018
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You can pick one of the following three programming tasks as your assignment 2:
* [[OPS435 Python Assignment 2 A| dbda]] - a python program to report the (n) day before or the (n) day after a given date in the "YYYYMMDD" format
* [[OPS435 Python Assignment 2 B| weekly usage report chart]] - get the weekly usage data from assignment 1 for a selected user and use the openpyxl module to create a Excel spread sheet with bar chart.
* [[OPS435 Python Assignment 2 C| report partition information]] on a block device (both physical and virtual) by reading the partition information directly from the device.
Test your Python code and upload your tested python program to Blackboard by the due date.

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