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1,093 bytes added, 16:28, 4 March 2018
Boxblur on an image using opencv C++ Library (Max Fainshtein)
For me the most important thing is to solve the problem regardless of the tools used and I think that reimplementing everything from scratch using OpenCV and CUDA is a viable solution.
=== Boxblur on an image using opencv C++ Library (Max Fainshtein) ===My suggested topic for the parallel program term project is an application that performs a boxblur on an image using open cv. This is made possible by using the opencv library installed through or by using Visual Studios NuGet packages and installing by Harry Y. Opencv was used to read images and access and modify the color of each pixel so that it is the average of the user defined box kernal. This application is running at O(n^2) where n is the number of pixel rows and columns for the image. Running this program for images of various sizes resulted in the following: 
This is the data displayed as a bar graph.
The application has the opportunity to receive an incredible boost to performance with the addition of parallel programming as most of the computational time is made up of calculating the average of every pixel which can be calculated concurrently, while only requiring a single synchronization at the end before we display the image.
=== Assignment 2 ===

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