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Fall 2017 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

77 bytes added, 05:48, 27 November 2017
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[[Category:Fall 2017 SPO600]]
This is the schedule and main index page for the [[SPO600]] ''Software Portability and Optimization'' course for Winter 2017.
<!-- {{Admon/caution|Revisions Pending|This schedule is being revised following the interruption due to strike.}}<!-- >{{Admon/important|It's Alive!|This [[SPO600]] weekly schedule will be updated as the course proceeds - dates and content are subject to change. The cells in the summary table will be linked to relevant resources and labs as the course progresses.}} -->
<!-- {{Admon/important|Content being Updated|This page is in the process of being updated from a previous semester's content. It is not yet fully updated for Fall 2017. Do not rely on the accuracy of this information until this warning is removed.}} -->
!Week!!Week of...!!width="28%"|Class I<br/>Monday 9:50-11:35!!width="28%"|Class II<br/>Wednesday 11:40-1:25!!width="28%"|Deliverables<br/>(Summary - click for details)
|1||Sep 4||style="background: #f0f0fff0fff0"|(Labour Day - No class)||[[#Week 1 - Class II|Introduction to Software Porting, Portability, Benchmarking, and Optimization / How is code accepted into an open source project? (Lab 1)]]||[[#Week 1 Deliverables|Set up accounts.]]
|6||Oct 9||style="background: #f0f0fff0fff0"|(Thanksgiving - No class)||[[#Week 6 - Class II|Algorithm Selection (Lab 6)]]||[[#Week 6 Deliverables|Blog about your Algorithm Selection Lab (Lab 6).]]
|7||Oct 16||[[-style="background: #Week 7 - Class Iffd0d0"|Project Startup]]colspan="5" align="center"|Strike|[[#Week 7 - Class II|Project Stage I Presentations]]||[[#Week 7 Deliverables|Blog about your selected presentation and project topics.]]
|-x7||Nov 20||style="background: #f0f0ffffd0d0"|Study WeekStrike||Oct 23||colspanstyle="3" align="centerbackground: #f0f0ff"|Study Week (NSERC IRCC Meetings - [ FSOSS 2017] is on Thursday-Friday - See the [[#FSOSS BonusNo class)||FSOSS Bonus]]
|8x8||Oct 30Nov 27||[[#Week 8 x8 - Class I|Project DiscussionCourse Review & Revised Plans]]||[[#Week 8 x8 - Class II|ProfilingInline Assembler (Lab 7)]]||[[#Week 8 x8 Deliverables|Blog about your projectresults for Lab 7.]]
|9x9||Nov 6Dec 4||[[#Week 9 x8 - Class I|Project: Building, Benchmarking, and Profiling]]||[[#Week 9 x8 - Class II|BenchmarkingProject Hacking]]||[[#Week 9 x8 Deliverables|Blog about your project work.]]
|10x10||Nov 13Dec 11||[[#Week 10 x9 - Class I|Project Stage II UpdatesHacking]]||[[#Week 10 12 - Class II|Discussion & Hack SessionProject Hacking - End of Stage I]]||[[#Week 10 X9 Deliverables|Blog about your project, including Stage II UpdateI report.]]
|11x11||Nov 20Dec 18||''IRCC Workshop?''[[#Week x10 - Class I|Project Hacking]]||[[#Week 11 12 - Class II|Discussion & Hack SessionProject Hacking]]||[[#Week 11 X10 Deliverables|Blog about your project work.]]|-z
|12x12||Nov 27Jan 1||[[style="background: #Week 12 f0fff0"|(New Year's Day - Class I|Discussion & Hack Session]]No class)||[[#Week 12 - Class II|Discussion & Hack SessionProject Hacking]]||[[#Week 12 X11 Deliverables|Blog about your project work.]]
|13x13||Dec 4Jan 8||[[#Week 13 x12 - Class I|Wrap-Up Discussion; end of project Stage II.]]||[[style="background: #Week 12 - Class IIf0f0ff"|Project Stage III Updates]](Course finished)||[[#Week 13 X12 Deliverables|Blog about your project, including the final/Stage III UpdateII report, and write a wrap-up post about the course.]]
|-style="background: #f0f0ff"
|Exam Week||Dec 11||colspan="3" align="center"|Exam Week - No exam in this course!
!Category!!Percentage!!Evaluation Dates
|Communication||align="right"|20%||5% One third each: End of September, End of Study Week November (October 29Dec 3), November 19, end of course.
|Quizzes||align="right"|10%||May be held during any class, usually at the start of class. A minimum of 5 one-page quizzes will be given. No make-up/retake option is offered if you miss a quiz. Lowest 3 scores will not be counted.
|Labs||align="right"|10%||See deliverables column above. All labs must be submitted by Dec Jan 8.
|Project work||align="right"|60%||3 2 stages: 15% (Oct 20) / 20% (Nov 17Dec 14) / 2540% (Dec Jan 8).
There is no "Class I" during this first week due to Labour Day.
=== Week 1 - Class II ===
* Blog your results for the [[SPO600 Algorithm Selection Lab|Algorithm Selection Lab]] (Lab 6) -- be sure to include links to your code, detailed results, and your reflection on the lab.
== Week x1 == === Week x8 - Class I === * Review* Plans for Remainder of Term === Week x8 - Class II === * Inline Assembler (Lab 7) === Week x8 Deliverables === * Blog about your Lab 7 results <!--###################################################################################
=== Week 2 - Class II ===

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