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OPS235 Short-Term

41 bytes removed, 11:10, 15 September 2017
Current: Fall 2017 Semester
# <span style="color:red;">'''ATTENTION:'''</span> Mehrdad mentioned that possibly in the next semester (or eventually), the belmont server URLs will be removed. The alternative (and eventual replacement) that affects OPS235/OPS335 is:<br>Therefore, this corrections should be made for OPS235 and OPS335 labs for the Winter 2018 startup prior to classes.<br><br>
# <span style="color:red;">'''ATTENTION:'''</span> Removable HDD after upgrading to centos-release 1708 (verify with <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">'''rpm -qa centos-release</syntaxhighlight>''') have boot issues. You will need to copy '''grubx64.efi''' from [ CentOS EFT/BOOT site here]
= Winter / Summer 2017=

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