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* [[DPS909/OSD600 Fall 2017 Lab 2 | Lab 2]]
== Week 3 ==
* Learning Licenses: MIT
** [https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License]
** One of the most widely used licenses in Open Source
** Like the BSD License, nothing about patents (created before software was patentable in the US)
** Example software projects licensed under the BSD License:
*** [http://rubyonrails.org/ Ruby on Rails]
*** [https://aframe.io/ A-Frame]
*** [https://angularjs.org/ AngularJS]
*** [https://atom.io/ Atom], [https://electron.atom.io/ Electron]
*** [http://getbootstrap.com/ Bootstrap]
*** [http://brackets.io/ Brackets]
*** [http://jquery.com/ jQuery]
*** [https://nodejs.org/ node.js]
*** [https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser Phaser]
*** [https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ PuTTY]
*** [https://socket.io/ Socket.IO]
* What is a bug?
** Let's look at some bugs
*** [https://github.com/aframevr/aframe/issues A-Frame Issues on GitHub]
*** [https://github.com/mozilla/thimble.mozilla.org/issues Thimble Issues on GitHub]
*** [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ Mozilla's Bugzilla]
*** [https://github.com/mozilla/ Mozilla ORG on GitHub]
** Good First Bug
*** Mozilla GitHub ORG [https://github.com/search?q=org%3Amozilla+label%3Agood-first-bug&state=open&type=Issues&utf8=%E2%9C%93 good-first-bug] and [https://github.com/search?q=org%3Amozilla+label%3Agood-first-bug&state=open&type=Issues&utf8=%E2%9C%93 goodfirstbug] and [https://github.com/search?q=org%3Amozilla+label%3Agood-first-bug&state=open&type=Issues&utf8=%E2%9C%93 "good first bug"]
*** [http://bugs.firefox-dev.tools/?easy&tool=all Mozilla DevTools "easy" Issues]
*** [https://www.joshmatthews.net/bugsahoy/?unowned=1&simple=1 Bugs Ahoy! unowned, simple bugs from Bugzilla]
*** [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=good-first-bug%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&emailassigned_to1=1&email1=nobody Mozilla Bugzilla Unassigned Good First Bugs]
* '''Write a Blog post''': read [https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License] followed by [https://writing.kemitchell.com/2016/09/21/MIT-License-Line-by-Line.html The MIT License, Line by Line], and blog about '''3 things''' you learned or found interesting, which perhaps differed from what you understood in your own reading of the license.