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A computer can’t do anything useful without a program — a program is defined as data and a set of instructions to follow.
An operating system (OS) is a collection of programs that manage hardware and interact with users, some of these tasks include:
* Allocate resources (memory, disk space, network bandwidth, access to devices)
* Start, stop, and control other programs
* Enforce security
=== Unix OS ===
** The resultant GNU project developed free, open source replacements for most of the Unix programs, but not for the Unix kernel (the core program that interacted with and controlled the hardware).
** These programs were released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which permits anyone to copy, use, and modify the software, as long as these rights are preserved for anyone receiving a subsequent copy of the software.
* In 1991, '''Linus Torvalds''', a Finnish computer programmer, released the Linux kernel, eventually placing it under the GPL.
** The Linux kernel, GNU software, and some other components can be combined into a powerful, Unix-like operating system (it can’t technically be called Unix, because it has never been certified to be Unix, but virtually everyone in the industry regards it as such).
The combined GNU and Linux system is called GNU/Linux by some but just Linux by others (much to the dismay of Richard Stallman, who feels that the simple name Linux downplays the tremendous contribution made by the GNU Project).
== Using Linux/Unix at Seneca ==
Throughout your studies at Seneca you will use a variety of Unix/Linux systems, including:
* <code>matrix.senecacollege.ca</code> - Practice & perform Linux commands
* SIRIS - Registration & Information System (register for courses, timetable, view final grades)
* MATRIX - Practice & perform Linux commands* SCS <code>scs.senecacollege.ca</code> - main Computer Studies web server* MY<code>my.SENECACOLLEGEsenecacollege.CA ca</code> (Blackboard) - College LMSLearning Management System* With rare exceptions (notably my.senecacollege.ca), most Most college servers are available under <code>servername.senecac.onsenecacollege.ca</code>
== Matrix Server ==
The Matrix server consists of many PCs connected together to form a Linux cluster. A cluster is a cost effective alternative to mainframe computing.
* You can also connect to Matrix from a Windows system, but in such case you are usually limited to a terminal window
* Detailed instructions, for Windows, MacOS and CentOS, can be found [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~fac/uli101/notes/MatrixLoginInformation.pdf here]
=== Obtaining Your Matrix Account ===
* Once you obtain your student card and have access to college MySeneca email, you will need to create an account on Matrix using a web browser.* You can complete this step from one of the school labs or your home computerown device.
* You will need to use the Windows login in the lab - Create a matrix account with: https://matrix.senecac.on.ca/webadmin/agree/agreement.php
* Please complete Complete this as soon as possible so you can start working on the labs assignments right away.
* Please contact Information Technology Services https://inside.senecacollege.ca/its/index.html in case of problems
* Using '''terminals''' (sometimes called '''shells'''), which connect remotely to the server. This provides users with a '''Command Line Interface (CLI)'''. Users can use the server from other operating systems.
* With a more advanced setup, users can interact with the OS using:
** '''Graphical User Interface (GUI)''' similar to the one found in a desktop or laptop operating systems.
<source lang="bash"># ssh username@host for example:
$ ssh user@matrix.senecac.onsenecacollege.ca