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ULI101 Week 1

76 bytes removed, 15:22, 4 September 2017
Important Information
== Important Information ==
* The This course website for this course is: — it contains weekly slides, assignment details, and other important information for the course.* Please make certain that you read Read through the course outline, which states what this course will cover, how you will be evaluated, and the course policies relating to late assignments or missed tests.The course outline is at:* Your professor will give you additional details which may override or supplement the information on the course website (for example, your section’s test and assignment dates may vary).
* Topics such as course introduction, evaluation policies, student conduct, and where to obtain notes/resources are usually discussed in the first class.
The Matrix server consists of many PCs connected together to form a Linux cluster. A cluster is a cost effective alternative to mainframe computing.
=== Matrix Server ===
* Note that the workstations in the labs form part of the Matrix group. When you boot (startup) a PC in a S@Y lab, you are given the choice of starting Windows or starting Linux.

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