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ULI101 Week 4

89 bytes removed, 21:30, 4 September 2019
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-rw-rw---- 1 joe.professor users 0 2006-02-02 10:47 ~/work_together
# This indicates the user “joe.professor” owns the file “work_together”.
# The owner “joe.professor” can read and write to that file.“work_together”# By the way, you joe.professor can change the ownership of files work_together (using the chown command, assuming you own them).
# Let’s look at the detailed listing for a regular file owned by someone else:
-rw-rw---- 1 joe.professor users 0 2006-02-02 10:47 ~/work_together
# This indicates a group name (called “users”) that is assigned to that file “work_together”.# In this case the user “joe.professor” has given permission to other users that belong to theanyone in “users” group# “users” group to read from and write to (incl. delete) the file “work_together”.
[joe.professor] ls -l ~/work_together
# Answer: all “other” users - users that DO NOT belong to the “users” group.!
= Directory Permissions =
* For ordinary files any execute permissions are no applied
* For example: umask 310 would result in permissions 466 (r--rw-rw-)

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