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OPS435 Python Lab 3

782 bytes added, 11:00, 30 May 2017
:In previous labs, you learned techniques in order to make your Python scripts '''more functional''', instead of performing the exact task over-and-over in the exact same manner. These tools included '''variables''', '''logic''' and '''loops'''. The utilization of these basic tools not only apply to Python scripts, but basically all programming languages including interpreted ( such as Perl scripts, Bash Shell scripts, JavaScript, etc )and compiled languages (C, C++, Java, etc).  :This lab investigate investigates another tools which can be used to make the program run more efficiently, and allow '''a program to be distributed among multiple individuals in a project team''' to help '''speed-up''' the completion of a program. In this lab, you will learn the following tools including '''functions''', '''lists''', and loop'''loops''', with a the primary focus on creating reusable code.

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