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OPS335 Lab 1

2 bytes added, 09:59, 5 May 2017
Linux Network Connection Configuration Troubleshooting
# '''IS THE NETWORK ON VM PLUGGED IN?''' On a physical network you would check whether the cable is plugged in and the link light is on on your network card. In a virtual network environment, you don't have a physical network adapter. Instead, you will need to check the NIC settings in the <u>'''virtual'''</u> machine details to view and confirm the appropriate network connection.
# '''IS THE NETWORK ENABLED?''' This is a problem more common with virtual networks than physical networks. Check in:<br> '''VirtManager'''->'''ConnectionDetails'''->'''VirtualNetworks''' that your network is active.
# '''DO YOU HAVE AN IP ADDRESS?''' Run '''ip address''' to check.
# '''CAN YOU PING THE HOST BY IP?''' (by its internal IP address). If not - check all of the above, check if you have an IP address conflict, and check that your subnet mask is correct.

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