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OPS335 Lab 1

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resetting c7host hostname to just host.
<ol><li value="2">Run the '''ifconfig''' command on your '''c7hosthost''' machine. Check and record the IPADDR for your default (dhcp) network interface card (possibly eno1) and the virtual bridge.</li><li>Issue the '''ip''' command on your '''c7hosthost''' machine to determine the IPADDR and GATEWAY information (refer to above chart). How are the result similar or different than the ifconfig command?</li><li>Issue the ifconfig command on your VMs. what happened?</li><li>Use the '''ip''' command for your VMs to list the IPADDR and GATEWAY information.</li><li>Refer to the man pages or refer to following article [ 10 Useful ip Commands] to see how to issue the above commands to create a <u>temporary</u> connection to your existing network.</ol>
=== Making Persistent (Permanent) Network Setting Changes ===

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