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OPS335 Weekly Schedule

49 bytes added, 13:30, 1 April 2017
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<td width="20%" style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Week 11:'''<br>Mar 27 - Apr 2</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Webmail: Encrypted connections'''<ul><li>WebMail installation and configuration</li><li>Setting Up a Self-Serve Certificate</li><li>Configuring Postfix (VM2) for Encryption (TLS)</li><li>Setting up Encryption with Thunderbird MUA</li><li>Setting Up Dovecot MDA/LDA for Encryption (SSL)</li></ul>'''Test 2'''</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Lecture Notes:'''<ul><li>Slides: <br>Encrypting Mail Messages:<br>[ web] [ PDF]<br><br>Setting Up Webmail:<br>[x web] [x PDF]</li><li>Chapter 23 - Web Hosting</li></ul>'''Online Resources:'''<ul><li>[ TSL, SSL Definition]</li><li>[ Create a self signed SSL key for Postfix]</li><li>[ Dovecot SSL configuration]</li> </ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">[ Lab 7: Mail Server Setup:<br>Encrypted connections and webmail]</td>

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