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OPS335 Assignment 2 - Murray Saul rev1

4 bytes added, 17:14, 28 February 2017
Set-up Client to Test Samba server (client)
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#The normal user on your host machine must be able to ssh to the root account on each machine without being prompted for a password.
#Each client machine will have a dhcp address assigned in the range to, however the DHCP server will not provide DNS and domain information.#This machine will use the master and slave DNS servers in your domain as the primary and secondary DNS servers. It will not have access to any other DNS servers.#This machine will use a local postfix installation to relay all outgoing mail through whirlpool, and will use the domain as the sending address (i.e. user@spiral.galaxies.ops).#This machine will not accept incoming mail.
=== Network Configuration ===

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