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OPS335 Assignment 1a - Murray Saul

No change in size, 15:33, 25 January 2017
Changing to a private ip address range.
* Assign a newly-created virtual network the name: '''335assign''', and set '''forwarding to any physical device'''<br>(refer to [ lab setup]. You can have have 2 different network names: "335assign" and "ops335" without causing any problems).
* Addresses in this network will start with '''164172.30.20'''. The subnet mask must be ''''''
* There must '''<u>NOT</u>''' be a DHCP server running for this network!
* All the machines for this assignment will be connected to your newly-created virtual network called: '''335assign'''
! Hostname !! Address !! Purpose
| '''spruce.coniferous.trees.ops''' (your existing source) || External Facing Address:''' DHCP assigned'''<br>Internal Virtual Bridge (virbr1):''' 164172.30.20.1''' || Your '''host''' machine
| '''seedling.coniferous.trees.ops''' || '''164172.30.20.100''' || '''Cloning-source''' used to create other servers for other assignments.

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