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OPS335 Assignment 1a - Murray Saul

378 bytes added, 09:51, 20 January 2017
Create Back-up Script for your Assignment on Host Machine
# Create the following directory: '''/root/bin'''
# Create a Bash shell script called '''/root/bin/assnBackup.bash''' to perform a full backup using the '''gzip''' command to backup the entire file system of your cloning-source VM to save the compressed copy to the directory path: '''/backup/full/''').
# This shell script should store any VM image file in the "/var/lib/libvirt/images" directory that has the extension ".qcow2" as a positional parameter to be used with a for loop.
# Perform a Net-search to use the '''pv''' command to show a text-based indicator of backup for EACH VM image file. You need to add the EPEL repository (taught in OPS235) to install the pv command.
# Set execute permissions for this script, and run this Bash shell script prior to exiting your assignment work session to properly backup your cloning source. You should also make a copy of the backup on an external device (such as a USB key).
== Assignment Submission ==

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