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OPS335 Lab 1

4 bytes added, 09:28, 19 January 2017
Performing Full Backups
<ol><li value="5">Create the sub-directory '''/root/bin'''</li>
<li>You should know how to create full backups of your VMs in your OPS235 course. Create a Bash shell script called :<br>'''/root/bin/fullbackup.bash''' that will backup all of your other vms (i.e. vm1, vm2, and vm3) one at a time using the '''gzip''' command to your host machine into the directory path-name: '''/backup/full/'''</li>
<li>Set execute permissions, and run the shell script to verify that you shell script works.</li>
<li>It is also recommended to backup to your USB key as well (qcow2 images and xml config files).</li></ol>

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