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OPS335 Lab 1

5 bytes added, 07:30, 18 January 2017
Performing Full Backups
#Make certain that your virtual machines are NOT running.
#Make certain that you are logged in as root user on your host machine.
#Refer to OPS235 lab2 on backing up your VMs using the '''gzip ''' command [ OPS235 Lab2 - Backing up VMs]
#Make certain that you have performed a full backup for '''vm1''', '''vm2''', and '''vm3'''.
It will be your responsibility as an administrator of your own Linux system, to backup all of your VMs for labs and assignments at the end of your lab session. Learning to create shell scripts to automate routine tasks (such as backups) will be EXTREMELY useful for your NDD430 course.
=== Performing Incremental Backups ===

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