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OPS335 Lab 1

24 bytes added, 12:56, 17 January 2017
Automating Backups (cron)
# In your host machine as root, edit your crontab and enter the line above. Modify the setting so it will run that echo command every 2 minutes.
# Wait for two minutes to pass, and check the '''/tmp/cron.log''' file to see if it was created with the expected contents.<br>(You can also check '''/var/log/cron''' file to see what jobs were run).
# Edit your crontab to '''make automatic backupsusing the rsync command''' of the '''/etc''' directory from '''vm1''', '''vm2''', and '''vm3''' into '''/backup/vm1''', '''/backup/vm2''', and '''/backup/vm3''' every hour and overwrite the previous backup.
{{Admon/important |Backup your VMs!|You MUST perform a '''full backup''' of ALL of your VMs whenever you complete your '''OPS335 labs''' or when working on your '''OPS335 assignments'''. You should be using the dump command, and you should use the Bash shell script that you were adviced to create in order to backup all of your VMs.}}

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