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OPS335 Lab 1

6 bytes added, 09:14, 17 January 2017
Configuring the SSH Service
#This is because (for most services) the '''changes you make to the configuration file will not take effect until the service restarts'''.
#Restart the sshd service on your host and try to ssh in again. Now it should prevent you.
#The option '''permitRootLogin''' for '''all of your VMs ''' for both labs and assignments MUST be set to '''yes'''. The reason for this is that you have created a virtual network, so you have protected the host from root login, so you don't have to do the same for your VMs. Also, by allowing root login for your VM's will allow you to automatically backup your VMs to your host machine (via a crontab entry) without being prompted for a root password for each VM.
Note: Configuration files for most services follow a very similar format. Some use an = between the parameter and its value, some require you to group certain parameters together, and most use # to be a comment. You will get lots of experience working with the configuration files for services in this course.

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