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OPS335 Assignment 1a - Murray Saul

7,482 bytes added, 09:10, 29 January 2017
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{{Admon/important|This is NOT Assignment 1 Part 1!|This is the '''ROUGH WORK''' for Murray Saul's section for OPS335 Assignment 1 - Part 1. These assignment specifications are NOT complete. <br><br>Once the assignment specifications are ready, then a link will appear in the [ Main OPS335 WIKI] .}}<br><br>
== Purpose ==
xFor this portion of assignment 1, you will set up the basic functionality for a virtual machine to act as a '''cloning-source''' to make it easier for the student to create other servers (VMs) in later assignments. Whenever you clone another server (in later assignments), you MUST make certain to configure the cloned server in order to make it function in the network correctly and meet the requirements of future assignments. All of the assignments for this course are '''<u>interdependent</u>''' of each other and belong to the same Virtual Private Network called '''335assign'''.
== General Requirements ==
'''Weight''': 53% of the overall grade '''Due Date''': During Week 6 (in class)
'''Due Date''': During Week 5 (in class)
== Detailed Requirements ==
=== Set-up a Virtual Network (335assign) ===
Create a new virtual network on your Host Machine.
* Assign a newly-created virtual network the name: '''asg1net335assign''', and set '''forwarding to any physical device'''<br>(refer to [ lab setup]. You can have have 2 different network names: "335assign" and "ops335" without causing any problems).* Addresses in this network will start with '''10172.161''30.20' followed by the '''last two digits of your student number''' (just as your main virtual network). The subnet mask must be ''''''
* There must '''<u>NOT</u>''' be a DHCP server running for this network!
* All the machines for this assignment will be connected to your newly-created virtual network called: '''asg1net335assign'''
=== Create a "Cloning-Source" VM (335assign Virtual Network) ===
=== Create a "Cloning Source" VM (asg1net Virtual Network) ===virtual machine that you will use as a cloning-source.
Create a virtual machine that you will use as a template (i.e. a '''Details for the cloning source'''). It should have a command-line interface only. Configure it to be a good cloning source, making certain it has all the following elements prior to cloning:
# The name of this cloning-source VM will be called: '''seedling'''.#You should use the options that you used in your lab1 to setup the static network, plus you should use the DOMAIN parameter to set the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' domain for your cloning-source.#The VM should have a command-line interface only.#Configure it to be a good cloning-source, '''making certain that the cloning-source has all the following elements prior to cloning:'''::*Don't make the virtual drive too big: you will need space for it as well as space for the clones you from your cloning -source<br>('''2GB ''' should be enough for any cloning -source and clone VM that you create for this assignment).# Make certain that you can login to your cloning source. ::*The minimum commands required arehostname for this server will be called: '''hostseedling''', '''dig''', '''netstat''', '''links'''.# Do not install software on your cloning source: :*Make certain that you are expected can login to install other software on your "cloned" VMs instead. For example, if you are required to install bind in a clone, install it in the clone as opposed to the "cloning -source".# ::*Configure your network interface for this cloning-source with a static configuration. Refer to the table below for IP address and hostname.# Make certain that you have '''iptablesstatic''' services enabled configuration and running instead of ''Firewalld''. The default rules should suffice.# If you have created a regular user when you installed the machine, delete that regular user (you are to use only the root account).# Set up an SSH server on this "cloning source". Make sure that the root account is only permitted connected to log in using key authentication. If user users are required to be created later, they should be permitted to log in with a their username and password.# Generate a new key pair on your Host Machine (don't delete the existing one), called: '''id_rsa_asg1335assign'''# Make sure you can log in from your regular user on your Host Machine network. Refer to root on the "cloning source" virtual machine using specifically that key.# Do not place that newly-generated private key on the "cloning source" VMtable below for IP address and hostname.<br>
{| class="wikitable" | style="margin-left:50px;"
! Hostname !! Address !! Purpose
| '''spruce.coniferous.trees.ops''' (your existing source) || External Facing Address:''' DHCP assigned'''<br>Internal Virtual Bridge (virbr1):'''''' || Your '''host''' machine
|-| '''seedling.coniferous.trees.ops''' || '''''' || '''Cloning-source''' used to create other servers for other assignments.|}   <ol><li value="5">Make certain your cloning-source can connect to the Internet using the newer static configuration.</li><li>Run a '''yum update''' for this cloning-source.</li><li>Make certain that SELinux is set to '''enforcing'''.</li><li>Set up an SSH server on this "cloning-source".</li><li> Make sure that '''PermitRootLogin''' is set to '''yes''' for this server.</li><li>Make ceratin that only the root account is permitted to login using key authentication. If other users are required to be created in a later assignment, they should be permitted to log in with a their username and password.</li><li>Copy the same public key (already generated for your '''Host Machine''' for your '''root''' account in lab1) to the '''root''' account on your cloning-source.</li><li>Test to make certain that you can login from root on your host machine to your root account on the cloning-course ("seedling") without being prompted for a pass-phrase.</li><li>If you have created a '''regular user''' when you installed this machine, '''delete that regular user''' (make certain to '''remove the regular user's home directory!''').</li></ol> === Set-up Firewall Rules for your Cloning -Source===
Perform the following steps for this section:
#Make certain that you have '''iptables''' services enabled and running instead of ''Firewalld''. # Modify the iptables to meet the following conditions:::<ul>::<li>All outgoing traffic is allowed.</li>::<li>Responses to any traffic the machine sends out are allowed.</li>::<li>Traffic on the loopback interface is allowed.</li>::<li>The host machine (and <b>only</b> the host machine) must be able to ssh to that cloning-source VM.</li>::<li>ICMP traffic is allowed if it originated with the <b>local network only</b>.</li>::<li>As this is acting as the secure basis for later machines, no other traffic should be allowed.</li>::</ul> === Create Full and Incremental Backups of cloning-source VM===
Perform the following steps for this section:
=== Reference Materials# This task is to be performed in your '''host''' machine.# Issue the command '''su -'''# Create a Bash shell script called '''/root/bin/assnBackup.bash''' to perform a '''full backup''' using the '''gzip''' command to backup the entire file system of your cloning-source VM to save the compressed copy to the directory path: List '''/backup/full/'''). # This shell script should store any VM image file in the "/var/lib/libvirt/images" directory that has the extension ".qcow2" as a positional parameter to be used with a for loop. # Perform a Net-search to use the '''pv''' (''pipe-viewer'') command to show a text-based indicator of Machines backup for EACH VM image file. You need to add the '''EPEL repository''' to install the pv command.# Set execute permissions for this script, and run this Bash shell script prior to exiting your assignment work session to properly backup your cloning source. You should also make a copy of the backup on an external device (such as a USB key).# Set-up via a crontab entry, an '''incremental backup''' of the '''/etc/''' directory of your cloning-source to be performed every hour to the '''/backup/incremental/ DNS Records ===cloning-source''' directory.
All the machines in the table need DNS records, but only the ones in bold need to be existing machines for this assignment.
== Assignment Submission == The student is required to prove to their professor that their set-up works correctly during the regularly-scheduled lab period.  ===Assignment Evaluation Details=== *'''Demonstrate working assignment to your instructor in class:'''<ol type="a"><li>Students need to demonstrate their assignment functionality to their professor during a lab period (like you would for any lab for "sign-off").</li><li>Students are required to prepare everything ahead of time so that you can quickly demonstrate to your instructor that all required parts of your assignment are working.</li><li>Do do proceed to the next step until you have demonstrated your assignment to your instructor to check for errors that may cause problems when running the checking script.<br><br></li></ol> *Download and run a shell script to check your work (Depending on your OPS335 Instructor):  ::'''Peter Callaghan's Classes (Sections C &amp; D):'''<ul><li>Refer to instruction on Moodle to download and run marking shell script</li></ul>  ::'''Murray Saul's Classes (Sections A &amp; B):'''<ol><li>Login as '''root''' on your '''host''' machine.</li><li>Change to the '''/root/bin''' directory.</li><li>Make certain that your '''cloning-source VM is running'''.<li>Issue the following command to install e-mail on your '''host''' machine:<source>yum install mailx </source><li>Issue the command to download a checking script for your assignment to your '''host''' machine: <source>wget</source></li><li>Set execute permissions and run the command: '''/root/bin/check-assn1-p1.bash'''<br>(You shell script contents will be mailed to your Seneca email and to your OPS335 instructor's Seneca email. If you do '''NOT''' receive an e-mail message in your Seneca email account, then there is a problem, and you '''MUST''' rerun or contact your OPS335 instructor immediately.<br><br></li></ol>*'''Additional Assignment Information:'''<ol type="a"><li>This assignment is to be completed individually. '''Group submissions are not allowed'''.</li><li>Test your machine to make sure it works. If a machine is not accessible (e.g. will not boot, can not be accessed through ssh from your host, etc.), or is otherwise non-functional, you may be told to '''resubmit'''.</li><li>'''Late submissions are a subject to a penalty of 10% per day'''.</li><ol> ==Evaluation Rubric== Here is an evaluation rubric (in table form) showing you how you will be evaluated for this assignment.Part of the rubric is marked from professor observation from student demonstration of assignment in class, and the other part is based on output from the results of an assignment checking script that the student will download and run. {| class="wikitable"width=50%|-| colspan=2 style="text-align:center;background-color:#cccccc;" |'''Student Demonstration (in class)'''! Name !! Address !! Purpose|-| style="font-weight:bold" | Evaluation Item | width=10% style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold" | Mark|-| Created Virtual Network: '''335assign'''<br>(correct settings) | style="text-align:right" | /1|-| Can '''ping cloning-source from host machine''' with '''correct IPADDR'''| style="text-align:right" | /1
| root account on host machine can '''connect to cloning-source VM''' via ssh application '''without''' password|style="text-align:right" | 10.161.X./1 || Your host machine
| cloning-source VM can connect to the Internet<br>(i.e. '''ns1ping 8.8.ops335a18.org8''' )|style="text-align:right" | 10.161.X.2 || Master name server/1
| cloning-source can SSH to student's '''Matrix'' ' account|style="text-align:right" | 10.161.X.3 || Slave name server/1
| colspan=2 style="text-align:center;background-color:#cccccc;" || 10.161.X.4 || File server'''Configuration (Checking Script Output)'''
| style="font-weight:bold;" |Evaluation Item | width=10.161.X.5 % style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold" || Web serverMark
| Hostname set to: '''seedling''' for cloning source | style="text-align:right" | /1|-| '''yum update performed''' | style="text-align:right" | /1|-| '''No regular users on cloning source''' (just root) | style="text-align:right" | /1|-| SELinux status set to: '''enforcing''' | style="text-align:right" | /1|-| firewalld '''stopped''' and '''inactive'''| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| iptables '''active''' and '''enabled'''| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| iptables - '''All outgoing traffic is allowed'''| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| iptables - The '''host machine''' (and only the host machine) must be '''able to ssh to the cloning-source'''| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| iptables - '''ICMP traffic is allowed''' if it originated with the '''local network only'''| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| cloning-source VM can '''connect to the Internet'''| style="text-align:right" | /1|-| '''correct static network configuration for cloning-sourceVM'''<br>(half mark for each network config item)| style="text-align:right" | /5|-| permitRootLogin set to '''yes''' for cloning-source VM| style="text-align:right" | /2|-| Backup script '''assnBackup.ops335a1.orgbash''' structure| style="text-align:right" | /2|-| Proof that '''VM full backup''' was run| style="text-align:right" | /2|-| '''Crontab entries executed properly''' |style="text-align:right" | 10.161.X.254 /2|-| Disk image '''Incremental Backup''' of '''/etc/''' directory of cloning-source to clone from when creating new machines.'''/backup/incremental/cloning-source''' directory| style="text-align:right" | /2|-| '''TOTAL''' | style="text-align:right" | '''/30'''
== Assignment Submission ==
Submit the following in Blackboard, Moodle, or whatever your professor specifies in class or "class announements" (For Murray Saul, also send these in an e-mail (subject line: OPS335 assignment1) with the following attachments):
# '''Screenshots''' to demonstrate you have accomplished the required tasks for this assignment.<br>This includes: '''configuration files''', '''service statuses''', and '''basic tests of functionality'''.''' NOTE: You MUST take screenshoots of the ENTIRE screen as opposed to only the VM console'''.
# Your '''test plan''' in '''PDF''' format.
*Demonstrate working assignment to your instructor in class:
**Also you need to show your assignment to the professor in a lab period (like you would for any lab for "sign-off"). This requires you to prepare everything ahead of time so that you can quickly demonstrate to your instructor that all required parts of your assignment are working.

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