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DPS921/Halt and Catch Fire

14 bytes removed, 19:40, 1 December 2016
Code implementation
*We just need to multiply by 4 to get π.
==== Programming implementation ====
===== Pi -Serial =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">
func PI(samples int) float64 {
===== Serial execution CPU profile =====
As you can see only one core is work to compute the value of Pi - '''CPU8 @ 100%'''<br/>
[[Image:Cpu.PNG|alt=Monte Carlo Simulations]]
===== Pi - Parallel =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">
func ParallelPIMultiPI(samples int) float64 {
===== Parallel execution CPU profile =====
As you can see all cores are working to compute the value of Pi - '''CPU1-8 @ 100%'''<br/>

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