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OPS535 NFS Optimization

484 bytes added, 12:06, 12 October 2016
= Overview =
"Aside from the general network configuration - appropriate network capacity, faster NICs, full duplex settings in order to reduce collisions, agreement in network speed among the switches and hubs, etc. - <font color='blue'>one of the most important client optimization settings are the <b>NFS data transfer buffer sizes</b>, specified by the mount command options <b>rsize</b> and <b>wsize</b>. </font>" - [ Optimizing NFS Performance]. This exercise involved the investigation of finding the optimal rsize and wsize for NFS clients that use the NFS server for storing small files with average file size of 1K bytes and NFS clients that use the NFS server for storing relatively large files with average file size of 1M bytes.
= Useful reference on NFS optimization =
* [ Optimizing NFS Performance]
* [ How to do Linux NFS Performance Tuning and Optimization]
* [ NFS Tuning on the client]
* [ Optimizing servers - NFS speedup & optimization guide]
= Environments =

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