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621 bytes added, 12:35, 25 April 2007
Building Firefox
#: In terminal 2:
#: cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@localhost:/cvsroot co mozilla/
# '''What's the best way to run a build so it doesn't mess-up my default install/profile?'''
#: Use the '''-no-remote''' and '''-profile''' command line switches. The '''-no-remote''' switch will allow multiple versions of the browser to run at the same time (i.e., otherwise it will open another window for your currently running instance). The '''-profile''' switch allows you to specify a path to a profile (e.g., a directory). This profile directory doesn't need to exist--it will create it if it is not there:<br/><br/><code>$ mozilla/''objdir''/dist/bin/firefox.exe -no-remote -profile some/path/testing</code>
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