→Completing the Lab
= Completing the Lab =
* You should have the directory /root/lab2 on your DNS server.
* Make a copy of the DNS server configuration file "named.conf" in the /root/lab2 directory and named it as "[student-id]-named.conf.txt" * Copy your forward lookup zone file "my-zone.txt" to the /root/lab2 directoryas [student-id]-my-zone.txt.* Copy your reverse lookup zone file "rev-zone.txt" to the /root/lab2 directoryas [student-id]-rev-zone.txt.
* Upload the following files in the "/root/lab2" directory to blackboard by the due date:
** /root/lab2/[student-id]-named.conf.txt** /root/lab2/[student-id]-my-zone.txt** /root/lab2/[student-id]-rev-zone.txt
** /root/lab2/[student-id]-lab2-test-output.txt
** /root/lab2/[student-id]-lab2-dns-packet