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OPS235 Lab 8

2,216 bytes added, 11:46, 4 August 2020
Part 2: Configuring DHCP server to Continually Lease Same IP Address
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{{Admon/caution|DO NOT START THIS LAB BEFORE SUCCESSFULLY SUBMITTING LABS 1-7|'''This lab will change some system values that make previous lab checks fail. For best results, confirm with your professor before proceeding.'''}}
[ dhcpd]<br>
[ ifconfig]<br><br>
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[ Configuring a DHCP Server ]
|- valign="top"
|width="8%" | <u>'''O'''</u>ffer:
|width="40%" |The DHCP server receives the request from the client, '''reserves an IP ADDRESS''' for the client and sends a '''DHCPOFFER'''to the client.
|- valign="top"
|width="8%" | <u>'''R'''</u>equest:
|width="40%" |The After receiving a '''DHCPOFFER''', the DHCP server client broadcasts a message '''request for acceptance''' ('''DHCPREQUEST''') to all DHCP servers and, but also in doing so, the DHCP client notifies other all DHCP serverswhich DHCP server this DHCP client is requesting acceptance from.
|- valign="top"
|width="8%" | <u>'''A'''</u>cknowledgement:
|width="40%" |The client DHCP server identified in the '''DHCPREQUEST''' sends a '''message of acceptance to the serverclient'''. In turn, and the client then receives from the that DHCP server a '''packet of information''' containing the lease duration and other configuration information.
:'''Perform the following steps:'''
# Perform this section in Launch your c7host machine and your centos3 VM.# Switch to your '''centos3''' VM.<br><br>The version of DHCP server that comes with CentOS is maintained and distributed by the '''Internet Software Consortium''' ( The source package that you can download from ISC includes not only the DHCP server, but also a DHCP client and a DHCP relay agent. CentOS separates it into two RPM packages: the DHCP client package and the DHCP server package. The DHCP client package is installed by default by the workstation installation.<br><br># To check that you have <b>dhclientdhcp</b> installed, enter the command:#:: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">rpm -q dhclientqa dhcp</span></code></b># If the package is not installed, you will get the message ''"package dhclient is not installed"'', otherwisethere are no files displayed, you will get the version information of the rpm package. Install the <b>dhclient</b> package if it was not installed.# Issue then issue the following command to install the dhcp server package: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">yum install dhcp</span></code></b># Enter Again, enter the command to list all the files installed from the DHCP server package by issuing the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">rpm -qla dhcp</span></code></b># which Which file appears to be a sample (example) '''configuration file for dhcpd.conf'''?
# Copy the '''dhcpd.conf.example''' file to the '''/etc/dhcp''' directory making sure it is named: '''/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf'''
# Click on the following link to access the online manual page for the following DHCP items to gain an understanding: <ul><li>[ dhcpd]</li><li>[ dhcpd.conf]</li><li>[ dhcpd-options]</li><li>[ dhcpd.leases]</li></ul>
# Study the sample '''dhcpd.conf''' file to see examples of how these options are used.
# Edit Review the contents of '''/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf''' file (see the picture) and examine the top section of the file.# Below the comment labeledBe advised: "'''"option ''' definitions common to all supported networks"'''. Change the existing global options with the <u>newer values</u> shown below, if the '''dhcpd.conf''' file is empty, add them manually:<br><br>'''option domain-name''' '''"";'''<br>'''option domain-name-servers''' ''';'''<br>'''default-lease-time''' '''1200;'''<br>'''max-lease-time''' '''3600;'''<br><br>'''Note:''' Any values for time are stated in seconds.<br><br>
# View your editing sessions for typos (check for missing semicolons), then save and exit your editing session.<br><br>
=== Part 3: Configuring DHCP Server for Static IP Addresses===
'''Answer INVESTIGATION 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
# Remain in your '''centos1''' and '''centos3''' VMs for this section.
# If your '''centos3''' DHCP server successfully issued the proper IP address configuration values to '''centos1''', check the file called:<br>'''/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases''' in your <u>'''centos3''' VM</u>. You should get the similar contents:<br>::<span style="font-family:courier;"> lease {</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;starts 1 2016/06/28 01:07:00;</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;ends 1 2016/06/28 01:27:00;</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;cltt 1 2016/06/28 01:07:00;</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;binding state active;</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;next binding state free;</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;rewind binding state free;</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;hardware ethernet 52:54:00:ba:75:a8;</span>::<span style="font-family:courier;">}</span><ol><li value="3">On the client '''centos1''' check the contents of the <b>/var/lib/dhclient</b> directory. The files in this directory is where the dhclient stores its record of leases.<br><br> '''NOTE:''' If there are no files, then in a shell as '''root''' in your '''centos1''' VM issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">dhclient eth0</span></code></b><br>Then check to see if there is file containing lease information in that directory. You should get the similar contents:<br></li></ol>
::<span style="font-family:courier;"> lease {</span>
::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;interface "eth0";</span>
::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;expire 2 2016/06/28 02:34:22;</span>
::<span style="font-family:courier;"> }</span>
<ol><li value="3">On the client '''centos1''' check the contents of the <b>/var/lib/dhclient</b> directory. The files in this directory is where the dhclient stores its record of leases.<br><br> '''NOTE:''' If there are no files, then in a shell as '''root''' in your '''centos1''' VM issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">dhclient eth0</span></code></b><br>Then check to see if there is file containing lease information in that directory.<br><br></li></ol>
'''Answer Part 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
# Remain in your '''centos1''' and '''cento3''' VMs for this section.
# Make certain that you are located in your '''centos3''' virtual machine.
# Edit the dchpd.conf file and make the following changes:<ul><li> Create a <u>'''host '''</u> declaration with the name: '''centos1'''<br>(tip: search for the key-word '''centos1"host"'''in the text editor to see an example, if it is empty, do a little research on the Internet). Make sure you record the correct <code/li><li>Set the '''hardware ethernet</code> setting that corresponds to ''' option for the MAC address of the interface in eth0 on your '''centos1'''VM.# Give it </li><li>Set the '''fixed-address ''' option to the ip address: ''''''<br/li></ul><br>'''Note:''' When supplying fixed-address it is important that the address assigned is exclusive of any ranges that have been declared. Otherwise it may be possible for 2 different hosts to receive the same address.<br><br><ol><li value="54">Start your Restart the dhcpd service and test the address assignment by releasing your current address on '''centos1''' and then requesting a new address. Use the following commands on '''centos1''':</li>
::: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">ifdown eth0</span></code></b>
::: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">ifup eth0</span></code></b>
<ol><li value="65">Confirm that you received the fixed address you were supposed to.</li>
===Exclusively for Summer 2020 term, submissions are accepted only online!===
Follow the submission instructions for lab 8 on Blackboard.
{{Admon/important|Time for a new backup!|If you have successfully completed this lab, make a new backup of your virtual machines as well as your host machine.}}
:'''Perform the Following Steps:'''
#You Make certain ALL of your '''centos1''' and '''centos3''' VMs are <u>running.# Switch to your '''c7host''' VM and '''su -''' into root.# Change to the '''NOT/root/bin'''directory.# Issue the Linux command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span> required to download </code></b># Give the '''lab8-check.bash''' file execute permissions (for the file owner).# Run the shell script and if any warnings, make fixes and re-run a checking shell script for this final labuntil you receive "congratulations" message.<br><br>
#Arrange proof of the following on the screen:<br><blockquote><span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> '''centos1''' VM:<blockquote><ul><li>'''ifconfig eth0''' shows IP address ''''''</li><li>DHCP client lease file</li></ul></blockquote><span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> '''centos3''' VM:<blockquote><ul><li>DHCP server log file showing a lease occuring</li><li>DHCP server configuration file showing subnet and host declaration</li><li>DHCP server lease file</li></ul></blockquote><span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> '''Lab8''' log-book filled out.
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