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OPS235 Lab 8

6 bytes added, 21:42, 27 June 2016
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:'''Perform the following steps:'''
# Perform this section in your '''centos3''' VM.<br><br>The version of DHCP server that comes with CentOS is maintained and distributed by the '''Internet Software Consortium ''' ( The source package that you can download from ISC includes not only the DHCP server, but also a DHCP client and a DHCP relay agent. CentOS separates it into two RPM packages: the DHCP client package and the DHCP server package. The DHCP client package is installed by default by the workstation installation.<br><br>
# To check that you have <b>dhclient</b> installed, enter the command:
#:: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">rpm -q dhclient</span></code></b>

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