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OPS235 Lab 6 - CentOS7 - SSD

8 bytes removed, 16:59, 15 June 2016
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[[Image:new_network_dialognetwork_dialog.png|right|thumb|350px|Although the private network has been setup via the '''Virtual Machine Manager''', each virtual machine requires to change its own network setting individually (either '''graphically''' or by '''command line''').]]
=== Part 2: Configuring Network For centos1 & centos2 VMs===
[[Image:new-network-config.png|thumb|right|450px|Although you can use the '''ifconfig''' command to temporarily create a static IP address connection to a network, you need to add the network settings in the '''/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts''' directory to automatically connect to the network upon Linux system boot-up.]]
=== Part 3: Configuring VM Network Setup via Command Line ('''centos3''') ===
# Login and test your configuration again. What happened?
# While we can configure network settings from the command line those settings are not persistent. To configure persistent network configurations we need to edit the configuration files.
# Change to the '''/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts''' directory<br>[[Image:new-network-config.png|thumb|300px450px|right|This diagram should show the newer network configuration of your '''c7host''' machine in relation to your '''Virtual Machines'''.]]
# List the contents of this directory. You should see 2 different types of files, network config scripts and network configuration files.
# Look for the configuration file for your original interface, it should be named '''ifcfg-eth0'''

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