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Otts documentation

82 bytes added, 23:18, 9 April 2007
Database Step Up
===Database Step Up===
# Open ''SQL Query Analyzer'', and connect to the warp server (''''), using SQL Authentication.
# Enter your user ID and password, and click ''Connect''<br/> (INSERT SCREEN SHOT)[[Image:connect.JPG|center|Figure 1.1 - Connect]]
# Once you are authenticated, select ''File -> Open'' and navigate to the location where the script, ''otts_schema.sql'' is located.
# Validate the script by pressing ''CTRL + F5''
# Once the validation is complete, run the script by pressing ''F5''. The query should read ''1 row(s) affected.'' The database is now setup. <br/>(INSERT SCREEN SHOT)[[Image:execute_sql_script.JPG|center|Figure 1.2 - Executing SQL Script]]
<br />
'''Note:''' By default after the script has been executed, there will be a master administrator login in the database. It is recommended to use this login in order to create the initial administrator login before using the system. It is also '''''highly''''' recommended that the master administrator login be deleted upon initial login. Since the master administrator login does not have a valid email, simply changing the password is not recommended.<br/><br />

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