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Otts documentation

59 bytes added, 19:48, 9 April 2007
Manage Users
===Manage Users===
An adminstrator can add or edit two types of users, other administrators or students. The type of user being added or edited is determined by which radio button is selected, this radio button also determines which user table is displayed to the right. Each user is identified by a user ID, this user ID is automatically assigned by using the prefix of the user's email address. A valid email address must be entered, the prefix can only contain letters (a-zA-Z), number (0-9), and special chacters of (- _ or .). Administration email addresses are automatically assigned the the domain of "''''", and student email addresses are automatically assigned the domain of "''''". Once all of the corresponding fields have been entered and validated, the user is emailed an auto-generated password, this password should be changed as soon as possible using the ''Change Password'' function (see [[#Change_Password_Function|''Section 3.1.2Change Password Function'']]). A description of how to add or edit each type of user is listed below.
====Adding an Administrator User====

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