→Forgotten Passwords
=== Forgotten Passwords ===
At the main login screen, users will be autheticated, and directed to the appropriate screen. If a user has forgotten their password, it may be retrieved by clicking the ''Reset Password Link'' located above the login button, see ''Figure 2.1''. The user must enter an email address that either has the domain of ''senecac.on.ca'' for a administrator, or a domain of ''learn.senecac.on.ca'' for a student. The user must enter a valid email address associated with their account inorder to have their password reset and emailed to them, see ''Figure 2.2''. <br />
[[Image:login_2_1.JPG|center|500px|Figure 2.1 - Location of Password Reset]]<br/>[[Image:login_2_2.JPG|center|500px|Figure 2.2 - Reset Password]]