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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7 - VMware

66 bytes removed, 06:48, 19 May 2016
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# The '''Install Summary''' should now appear. This screen allows the installer to customize their Centos7 system prior to installation.
# Configure the following installation settings from the ''Install Summary Screen'':<br><br><b>DATE & TIME:</b><ul><li>Click on the Map to select Toronto area (you may also select from the drop-down menu section)</li><li>Click the <b>DONE</b> button at the top-left corner to finish and return to the Installation Summary screen.</li></ul><br><b>NETWORK & HOSTNAME:</b><ul><li>Select the default Ethernet connection and click the button on the top right-hand side to change the setting from <b>OFF</b> to <b>ON</b>.</li><li>At the bottom left-hand corner type the hostname: <b>centos1</b> (all lowercase letters)</li><li>Review your settings, then click the <b>DONE</b> button at the top-left corner to finish and return to the Installation Summary screen.</li></ul><br><b>SOFTWARE SELECTION:</b><ul><li>Select the software packages labelled: <b>Gnome Desktop</b></li><li>Click the <b>DONE</b> button at the top-left corner to finish and return to the Installation Summary screen.</li></ul><br>'''NOTE:''' Although the Centos installation program can provide suggestions on how to partition your hard disk, you will be customizing partitions for your hard disk. This custom partitioning is important since it will have consequences on future labs that you perform (especially for lab2).<br><br>
# Proceed to '''Part 2''' to customize your partitions.</li>
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